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47 Future Office Accommodation Strategy PDF 580 KB
Appendix C to
the report contains exempt information during which the public is likely to be
excluded from the meeting subject to determination by the Scrutiny Committee following
consideration of a public interest test.
This exclusion would be made under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A
of the Local Government Act 1972.
Additional documents:
Matter for Decision
A review has been carried out by the
Council into its future needs for, and optimum use of its assets for civic and
administrative purposes. This is to ensure that provision is efficient, effective and beneficial to customers, staff and Members.
Executive Councillors have reviewed the options and have identified their
preferred mix of options for further progress and development of a business
Decisions of the Executive Councillor
for Finance, Resources and Transformation
· Noted the report and the options set out in
3.29 of the report
· Approved the proposal to take forward more
detailed investigation on two options:
To retain the
Guildhall as the main office and civic space for the Council, dependent upon
the potential to ensure it is fit for purpose for future use and the cost of
achieving this.
To investigate as
a comparator the potential for an alternative office and civic space which
meets the Council’s needs in or around a central location.
· Requested that a further report and
recommendations be brought back to Committee at a later date
for a final decision on the long-term office accommodation strategy aligned
with the Our Cambridge business transformation outcomes.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations
Members made the following points:
The majority who spoke supported the view that the Guildhall on
the Market Square was a focus for the people of Cambridge, with the recent
Proclamation of the King a real indication of that. Members commented that they were stewards of
the building for future generations.
If the Guildhall were to remain the main accommodation the
interior should be made more functional and the conservation interest should be
robustly challenged
One member opposed the premise that disposal of the Guildhall
appeared off the table.
The Executive Councillor for Finance, Resources and Transformation
It was difficult to quantify civic value and explain that to
residents, any final decision would need to be explained well.
In response to the public question, a recent example to look at is
how Camden is revitalising its Town Hall.
It will be important to have the appropriate technology for future
accommodation needs.
There is interest in the better use of the Large and Small Halls
and the outcome of the Allia lease of the Ground Floor
and look at the use of the Roof as well.
The scrutiny committee approved the recommendations by 7-1
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.