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21/05405/FUL - 19 Grantchester Road

Meeting: 20/04/2022 - Planning (Item 52)

52 21/05405/FUL - 19 Grantchester Road pdf icon PDF 382 KB


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings, new access onto highway and associated works


Councillor Gehring (Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee about the application:

i.                Objected to the application.

a.    It was not in-keeping with the streetscape.

b.    Expressed concern about the impact on existing residents’ amenity space, traffic flow, parking and the local junction.

ii.               Referred to objectors’ comments:

a.    Design out of character with the area.

b.    The impact on a listed building across the street from the application.


Councillor Porrer proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation to include an informative advocating that pipes should be installed which would be capable with a view to future proof them for an alternative use.


This amendment was carried unanimously.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report and subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer including the informative relating to pipes.