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Planning Report - 21/04576/S73 - 1 Redfern Close

Meeting: 02/03/2022 - Planning (Item 41)

41 21/04576/S73 - 1 Redfern Close pdf icon PDF 152 KB


The Committee received a S73 application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) and the removal of condition 5 (surface water drainage) of planning permission 18/0560/FUL (Erection of 1 x 3bed detached dwelling, with associated access and landscaping, following the demolition of the existing garage of No.1 Redfern Close.)


The Planner updated his report by referring to the following updated condition wording:


Condition 5 (Surface Water Drainage): The proposed drainage scheme shall be carried out in accordance with drawing reference 2664-99 and 2664-02


Reason: In the interests of surface water management (National Planning Policy Framework 2012).


The Committee:


Resolved (by 3 votes to 0) to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer including the amendment to condition 5 (with delegated authority to Officers, in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes, to draft and include the condition).