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5 Green and Independent Group Budget Statement PDF 241 KB
The Green and Independent Group Members presented the Green and Independent Group budget comments as set out in the Council Agenda and as published on the City Council’s website.
On a show of hands the Liberal Democrat Group’s alternative
budget amendment was lost by:
10 votes in favour: Bennett, Bick, Dalzell, Flaubert,
Gehring, Hauk, Lee, Nethsingha, Payne, Porrer.
To 23 votes against: Ashton, D.Baigent,
S.Baigent, Collis, Davey, H.Davies,
Dryden, Gawthrope Wood, Gilderdale, Healy, McPherson, Moore, Pounds, Robertson,
Sargeant, Scutt, Sheil, Smart, A.Smith, S.Smith, Sweeney, Thornburrow, Todd-Jones.
In accordance with the Council’s budget procedure,
Councillor Bick moved separately the following proposals, which formed part of
the Liberal Democrat Group alternative budget:
Reference B0001 (Strengthen planning enforcement within the
city) and S0002 (Reduction of Communications team expansion) (pages 436/437 of
the agenda).
On a show of hands the proposal was lost by:
10 votes in favour: Bennett, Bick, Dalzell, Flaubert,
Gehring, Hauk, Lee, Nethsingha, Payne, Porrer.
To 23 votes against: Ashton, D.Baigent,
S.Baigent, Collis, Davey, H.Davies,
Dryden, Gawthrope Wood, Gilderdale, Healy, McPherson, Moore, Pounds, Robertson,
Sargeant, Scutt, Sheil, Smart, A.Smith, S.Smith, Sweeney, Thornburrow, Todd-Jones.
Reference RI0003 (Postpone 2022-23 increase in market stall
trader fees) (page 436 of the agenda).
On a show of hands the proposal was lost by:
10 votes in favour: Bennett, Bick, Dalzell, Flaubert,
Gehring, Hauk, Lee, Nethsingha, Payne, Porrer.
To 23 votes against: Ashton, D.Baigent,
S.Baigent, Collis, Davey, H.Davies,
Dryden, Gawthrope Wood, Gilderdale, Healy, McPherson, Moore, Pounds, Robertson,
Sargeant, Scutt, Sheil, Smart, A.Smith, S.Smith, Sweeney, Thornburrow, Todd-Jones.
Reference CAP0006 (Capital grant for acquisition of acoustic
monitoring cameras) (page 439 of the agenda).
On a show of hands the proposal was lost by:
10 votes in favour: Bennett, Bick, Dalzell, Flaubert,
Gehring, Hauk, Lee, Nethsingha, Payne, Porrer.
To 23 votes against: Ashton, D.Baigent,
S.Baigent, Collis, Davey, H.Davies,
Dryden, Gawthrope Wood, Gilderdale, Healy, McPherson, Moore, Pounds, Robertson,
Sargeant, Scutt, Sheil, Smart, A.Smith, S.Smith, Sweeney, Thornburrow, Todd-Jones.
Unless otherwise stated, all references in the
recommendations to sections, pages and appendices relate to Version 2.0
(Council) of the Budget Setting Report (BSR).
This can be found via:
for Council on Thursday, 24th February, 2022, 6.00 pm - Cambridge Council
It was RESOLVED to agree the Executive’s budget proposals by:
23 votes in favour: Ashton, D.Baigent,
S.Baigent, Collis, Davey, H.Davies,
Dryden, Gawthrope Wood, Gilderdale, Healy, McPherson, Moore, Pounds, Robertson,
Sargeant, Scutt, Sheil, Smart, A.Smith, S.Smith, Sweeney, Thornburrow, Todd-Jones.
9 abstentions: Bennett, Bick, Dalzell, Gehring, Hauk, Lee,
Nethsingha, Payne, Porrer.
To approve the following:
Revenue Pressures and
Bids shown in Appendix B(b) and Savings shown in Appendix B(c) of the officer’s
Non-Cash Limit items as
shown in Appendix B(d) of the officer’s report.
Bids to be funded from
External Funding sources as shown in Appendix B(e) of the officer’s report.
Delegation to the Chief
Financial Officer (Head of Finance) of the calculation and determination of the
Council Tax taxbase (including submission of the
National Non-Domestic Rates Forecast Form, NNDR1, for each financial year)
which is set out in Appendix A(a) of the officer’s report.
The level of Council Tax
for 2022/23 as set out in Appendix A (b) and Section 4 [page 17 of the BSR
Delegation to the Head
of Finance authority to finalise changes relating to any further corporate
and/or departmental restructuring and any reallocation of support service and
central costs, in accordance with the CIPFA Service Reporting Code of Practice
for Local Authorities (SeRCOP).
The proposals outlined
in Appendix C(a) for inclusion in the Capital Plan.
Deletion from the
Capital Plan of the Cambridge Junction capital scheme, as set out in Section 6
[page 29 of the BSR refers].
The revised Capital Plan
for the General Fund as set out in Appendix C(c) and the Funding as set out in
Section 6, page 29 of the BSR.
The impact of revenue
budget approvals and the resulting contribution from reserves to support
service delivery [Section 8, page 44 of
the BSR refers].
The allocation of
funding on a contingency basis to the collaborative ‘Changing Futures’
programme project [Section 8, page 44
of the BSR refers].
The resulting level of
reserves [Section 8, page 44 of the
BSR refers].
The Chief Finance
Officer’s Section 25 Report included in Section 10 of the BSR [page 65 refers].
The schedule of proposed
fees and charges for 2022/23 in Appendix F of the officer’s report.