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21 First Homes Interim Statement PDF 326 KB
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First Homes is a
new form of affordable home ownership aimed at first time buyers. National
Guidance states that 25% of all new affordable housing provided as developer contributions
on section 106 sites should be provided as First Homes (with a few exceptions).
Other requirements also apply although local authorities are allowed some
limited flexibilities in how they bring First Homes forward.
This report
recommends how the national policy should be implemented locally through a
proposed First Homes Interim Position Statement for Greater Cambridge which is
attached at Appendix 1 to the report.
of Executive Councillor for Housing
the First Homes Interim Position Statement at Appendix 1 to the officer’s
report, in particular that:
preferred split between affordable housing tenures will be: 25% First Homes; 5%
shared ownership or other intermediate tenures; and 70% social/affordable rent.
price cap for a First Home, once the discount has been applied, will be
£250,000 in line with the maximum cap allowed within national guidance.
discount applied to a First Home will be 30% of market value in line with the
minimum discount allowed within the national guidance.
household income cap for eligible applicants for First Homes will be up to
£80,000 in line with the maximum income allowed with in the national guidance.
developments which cross the boundary into South Cambridgeshire, and/or where
joint nominations on the affordable homes have been agreed, any purchaser of a
First Home will need to have a local connection to either Cambridge
City or South Cambridgeshire District Council; this will apply for the first
three months of marketing in line with national guidance.
developments within Cambridge City which do not cross the boundary into South
Cambridge or where no joint nominations on the affordable housing have been
agreed, any purchaser of a First Home will need to have a local connection to
Cambridge City. This will apply for the first three months of marketing in line
with national guidance.
First Homes local connection criteria to be applied will be as detailed in
paragraphs 4.21 to 4.27 of the First Homes Interim Position Statement shown at
Appendix 1 to this report.
specific priority will be given to ‘key workers’ but the council may work with
developers and employer organisations to ensure that marketing is targeted
towards particular employers where appropriate.
developers wish to bring forward a First Homes exception site in Cambridge City
they will need to demonstrate that the availability of First Homes or other
affordable home ownership tenures is insufficient within Cambridge City to
cater for the needs of first-time buyers.
The First Homes Interim Position Statement at
Appendix 1 to this report will only be used when a development proposal
includes reference to First Homes as part of affordable housing provision. If a
development proposal does not refer to First Homes, the affordable housing
split detailed in Annexe 5 of the Greater Cambridge Housing Strategy 2019-2023
(or successor document) will apply.
subsequent minor amendments and editing changes to the First Homes Interim
Position Statement and/or the First Homes Issues & Options paper, that do not
materially affect the content, be delegated to the Director of Housing &
Communities in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Housing, the
Executive Councillor for Planning and relevant Chairs and Spokes.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Housing Strategy Manager.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
concerns with the concept of ‘First Homes’ and noted that in Appendix 1
paragraph 4.13 that a household would need an income of £55,000 per year to be able
to afford a First Home in Cambridge and that average salaries are much lower
than that. Queried how many people would be able to benefit from this new
comments made in i. above. Felt the way in which Central Government had
developed the scheme that it may do more harm than good. Queried recommendation
h which stated that no specific priority would be given to key workers. Noted that the Mayor in London had created a
definition for key workers. Asked if any data had been gathered regarding
housing need in certain key areas / jobs. Would welcome a definition of ‘key
worker’ going forward.
The Housing Strategy Manager said the following in response to Members’
in relation to the query regarding recommendation h that Addenbrookes had
undertaken a piece of work looking at gaps in housing need for their
workers. Officers had also had
discussions with Cambridgeshire County Council about their workers; they had
said that they would provide evidence around housing need and the impact on
their services but this had not been provided to date.
The Executive Councillor drew attention to a
letter which had been sent to Michael Gove on pages 125-130 of the agenda which set out the
council’s concerns regarding First Homes.
The Committee resolved by 6 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.