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21/04396/FUL - 24 Elfleda Road

Meeting: 12/01/2022 - Planning (Item 8)

8 21/04396/FUL - 24 Elfleda Road pdf icon PDF 151 KB


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for the erection of one three-bedroom dwelling with associated access, parking and landscaping.


The Committee received a representation in objection to the application from a resident of Elfleda Road:

      i.          Despite the reduction in the height of the proposed dwelling from 7 metres under the previous application to 5.7 metres;  it’s considered the proposal would still have a significant impact on the amenity of 25 Elfleda Road in respect of loss of light upon the garden and the main rear amenity area of 25 Elfleda Road and in particular the loss of afternoon and evening light.

     ii.          The retention of the shed at the rear of 24 Elfleda Road means that an otherwise possible potential light gain to the benefit of 25 Elfleda Road has been lost due to continued overshadowing. The proposed positioning of the dwelling so close to the boundary with 25 Elfleda Road would exacerbate the light loss. Under this application, the dwelling would be only a further 0.4 metres away from the boundary with No 25.

   iii.          Thought the proposed development would be overbearing to 25 Elfleda Road creating a sense of enclosure.

   iv.          The Applicant states that the footprint of the proposed dwelling has been moved towards the allotments compared with the previous application, but no scale bar is provided on the site plan for this application, and the distance it would be moved back appears to be small on this plan.

    v.          At paragraph 8.26 of the Officer’s report, it is acknowledged that at present the noise of cars parking is contained within a garage. It is then stated that the parking area would be separated from the main rear amenity area of No 25 by the existing outbuilding of No 25. However, this outbuilding is in use as an office/studio, is part of the main rear amenity area of No 25, and its amenity would be significantly impacted by the additional noise and disturbance caused by cars parking and leaving at the new development.

   vi.          Expressed concern pedestrians and emergency vehicles would have access difficulties on the narrow track.

 vii.          Believed the proposed dwelling, due to its orientation, layout and distance from existing dwellings, would have a significant adverse impact on the amenity of 25 Elfleda Road such that it warranted a refusal.


Councillor Thornburrow proposed and Councillor Porrer seconded an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation to include an informative as follows:


In order to facilitate the upgrade of heating systems to efficient (i.e. heat pump) electric heating, radiators shall be sized and fitted on the basis of running at a maximum of 45°C flow temperature to all residential units. In addition, for all residential units identify an appropriate space for external air source heat pump units that are acceptable within permitted development requirements for noise, proximity to boundaries and physical size and provide valved and blanked pipework connections between the external unit and the primary heating installations (heating pump and hot water tank) to enable the use of the heat pump system with minimum disruption upon gas boiler removal. The hot water tank is to incorporate sufficient heat exchanger area and storage volume to allow a designated heat pump system with domestic hot water capability to be used without the need for replacement or upgrade.


Reason: In the interests of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and futureproofing the development for net zero carbon and ensuring that new buildings are constructed in a sustainable manner and are easily adaptable (Cambridge Local Plan 2018, Policy 28 and Policy 57 and the Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2020).


This amendment was carried unanimously.


Councillor Gawthrope Wood proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation that condition 5 should refer to 7 kilo watt hours.


This amendment was carried unanimously.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer as amended above to include:

      i.          Condition 5 should refer to 7 kilo watt hours.

     ii.          An Informative to suggest an air source heat pump as an alternative to a gas boiler.