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5 21/03508/FUL - Land r/o 368-370 Milton Road PDF 166 KB
The Committee received an application for
full planning permission.
The application sought approval for erection
of 2 No. dwellinghouses together with associated access and landscaping works.
The Committee received a representation in
objection to the application from a resident of 309 Milton Road which raised
the following concerns:
Safety of pedestrians and vehicles
in adjacent roads and on Milton Road as there was no turning circle.
Queried where builders’ lorries
would park during construction.
Impact on the environment.
No benefit to the area from the
application. Application out of character.
Impact on amenity space.
Lack of light and small internal
Poor cycle access to garden and
storage area.
Family home could become a house
of multiple occupation.
Lack of notice about the proposal.
Councillor Collis
(Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee about the application:
The existing track
was not wide enough to serve properties as an access route.
If approved, the
application could set a precedent for building lots of properties on a narrow
track which was unsafe. Improving the track would not resolve this.
Expressed concern
about how vehicles would access the site and neighbouring properties during
construction. Narrow pavements could be blocked.
The design resulted
in cramped floor space.
The amenity of the
area would be affected. Queried if residents were informed about the
application. Expressed concern the safety and access arrangements for existing
residents in the area would be affected by the application.
Councillor Porrer
proposed amendments to the Officer’s recommendation to include conditions
Construction Management
This amendment was carried
Remove ‘subject to
viability’ in Condition 11.
This amendment was carried by 4 votes to 1.
A green/brown roof on the
cycle store.
This amendment was carried
Gawthrope Wood proposed and Councillor Thornburrow seconded an amendment to the
Officer’s recommendation:
In order to facilitate the upgrade of heating systems to efficient (i.e.
heat pump) electric heating, radiators shall be sized and fitted on the basis
of running at a maximum of 45°C flow temperature to all residential
units . In addition, for all residential units identify an
appropriate space for external air source heat pump units that are acceptable
within permitted development requirements for noise, proximity to boundaries
and physical size and provide valved and blanked pipework connections between
the external unit and the primary heating installations (heating pump and hot
water tank) to enable the use of the heat pump system with minimum disruption
upon gas boiler removal. The hot water tank is to incorporate sufficient heat
exchanger area and storage volume to allow a designated heat pump system with
domestic hot water capability to be used without the need for replacement or
Reason: In the interests of reducing
carbon dioxide emissions and futureproofing the development for net zero carbon
and ensuring that new buildings are constructed in a sustainable manner and are
easily adaptable (Cambridge Local Plan 2018, Policy 28 and Policy 57 and the
Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2020).
This amendment was carried by 4 votes to 1.
The Committee:
Unanimously resolved to
reject the Officer recommendation to approve the application as amended above
and in accordance with the Amendment Sheet
including the proposed new condition 9.
resolved to refuse the
application contrary to the Officer recommendation for the following reason:
i. The proposal, by virtue of its scale, massing, height, design and layout would appear incongruous in this back-land location, resulting in harm to the character and appearance of the surrounding area, failing to integrate appropriate access for bin and bike storage and failing to provide appropriate access and turning space for vehicles. As such, the scheme would appear cramped, represent an overdevelopment of the site and fail to promote sustainable travel contrary to Cambridge Local Plan 2018 policies 52, 55, 57, 80 and 82 and appendix L of the Local Plan 'Car and Cycle Parking Requirements' and NPPF 2021 paras 92, 113 and 126- 136.