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21/01521/FUL - Land r/o 56-58 Cherry Hinton Road

Meeting: 06/10/2021 - Planning (Item 109)

109 21/01521/FUL - Land r/o 56-58 Cherry Hinton Road pdf icon PDF 223 KB


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for erection of 7 apartments comprising 1 x 2-bed and 6 x 1-bed units, including bin and cycle storage facilities, together with reconfiguring the pedestrian access to 56A and 58A Cherry Hinton Road and installation of a new ground floor rear wall to the retained retail unit at 56-58 Cherry Hinton Road, following demolition of existing warehouse building.


Mr Brand (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Councillor Dryden proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation  calling for  new residents to be advised they would not be issued parking permits so they could share parking facilities with existing residents in the area (which had controlled parking on the road).


This amendment was carried unanimously.


Councillor Baigent proposed the following amendments to the Officer’s recommendation:

      i.          The inclusion of a fire hydrant condition.

     ii.          The inclusion of an Informative concerning fire appliance access to site.

   iii.          External bike racks should be available if there was no cycle store.


These amendments were  carried unanimously.


Councillor Thornburrow proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation that post boxes should be accessible and located outside of buildings.


This amendment was carried unanimously.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved to reject the Officer recommendation to approve the application.


Unanimously resolved to refuse the application contrary to the Officer recommendation for the following reasons:

      i.          The design and layout of the scheme fails to respond appropriately to its context. The footprint and lack of external space around the building is constrained and does not promote sustainable access to the site (which is car free) or inclusive design for all users and does not demonstrate adequate space would be made for providing renewable technologies and is therefore an over-development of the site. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies 55, 56 and 57 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2018.

     ii.          The future occupiers of the proposed flats would be exposed to the odour generated from nearby cooking food outlets and there is no certainty that the existing odour issue will be mitigated. The development is therefore contrary to policy 35 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2018.