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31 Greater Cambridge Local Plan - consultation PDF 728 KB
The Committee received a report from the Strategy and Economy Manager
regarding the Greater Cambridge Local Plan First Proposals consultation.
Further information regarding the consultation could be found via: Greater Cambridge
Local Plan (
Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below.
With a drop in birth rate, migration and young
people not being able to get mortgages as rates rise, who would buy these
Response: The evidence base did look at the
changing demographic and the First Proposals for the plan were informed by
those factors.
Was there a need to address the fact that
people who were born in Cambridge cannot afford to live in the town they grew
up in, should this not be the immediate focus.
Response: Recognised that Cambridge was an
expensive place to live and that houses needed to be provided alongside jobs.
Planning policy required the provision of 40% affordable housing alongside any
new development.
How can you define and guarantee affordable
Response: The term ‘Affordable Housing’ was
defined by Central Government and included social rented, affordable rented,
shared ownership etc. The Local Planning Authority sought to secure as much
affordable housing as was reasonable and which could be delivered.
With businesses choosing to incorporate more
working from home, it made sense that less office spaces was needed. Asked if
the shift of working was home was being built into the plan.
There was already a trend of people starting to work more from home rather than
working in the office, the pandemic accelerated this change. The consultation
was clear that the evidence was carried out pre-pandemic and would be kept
under review as the plan is developed, felt it was too soon to review at the
moment whilst the pandemic was still on-going.