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46 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Medium Term Financial Strategy PDF 295 KB
Additional documents:
2.1 to 2.2 (part 1) were chaired by Diana Minns (Vice Chair /Tenant
Representative) and recommendations 2.3 to 2.5 (part 2) were chaired by
Councillor Bird
Matter for
The HRA Medium
Term Financial Strategy provided an opportunity to review the
assumptions incorporated as part of the longer-term financial planning process,
recommending any changes in response to new legislative requirements,
variations in external national and local economic factors and amendments to
service delivery methods, allowing incorporation into budgets and financial
forecasts at the earliest opportunity.
of Executive Councillor for Housing (Part 1)
Approved the Housing Revenue Account Medium Term Financial
Strategy attached to
the officer’s report, to include all proposals for change in:
Financial assumptions as detailed in Appendix B of the
2021/22 and future year revenue budgets, resulting from
changes in financial assumptions and the financial consequences of changes in
these and the need to respond to unavoidable pressures and meet new service
demands, as introduced in Section 5, detailed in Appendix D and summarised in
Appendices G (1) and G (2) of the document.
Approved delegated authority be given to the Strategic
Director to be in
a position to confirm that the authority can renew its investment partner
status with Homes England.
of Executive Councillor for Housing to recommend to Council (Part 2) to:
proposals for changes in existing housing capital budgets, as introduced in Sections 6
and 7 and detailed in Appendix E of the document, with the resulting position
summarised in Appendix H, for decision at Council on 21 October 2021.
proposals for new housing capital budgets, as introduced in Sections 6 and 7 and
detailed in Appendix E of the document, with the resulting position summarised
in Appendix H, for decision at Council on 21 October 2021.
Approved the revised funding mix for
the delivery of the Housing Capital Programme, recognising the latest assumptions for the
use of Grant, Right to Buy Receipts, HRA Resources, Major Repairs Allowance and
HRA borrowing.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Assistant Head of Finance and Business Manager.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Queried the cost of building new homes versus
the cost of retrofitting older properties.
ii. Asked to see the greenhouse gas impact of the development proposals (ie: the effect on emissions if the council didn’t do anything).
The Assistant Head of Finance and Business Manager said the
following in response to Members’ questions:
No councils had been successful in gaining
partnership status with Homes England, officers had a meeting with them the
following day for feedback on their application. The benefit of having
strategic partnership status was that it would have guaranteed a grant for the
whole of the development process.
Some registered providers had been successful in
gaining strategic partnership status and these were generally larger
organisations than the City Council.
Ditchburn Place had some issues with void
properties whilst refurbishments were being carried out but this was necessary
to enable the refurbishment to be undertaken.
The Covid pandemic also had an impact as the vulnerable nature of
residents and the number of communal areas meant that they weren’t able to
re-let the properties. They were now able to re-let and were down to the last
few properties.
The Committee resolved:
- by 10 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations 2.1 – 2.2.
- by 6 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations 2.3 – 2.5.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.