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20/02791/FUL - 196 Green End Road

Meeting: 03/02/2021 - Planning (Item 17)

17 20/02791/FUL - 196 Green End Road pdf icon PDF 262 KB


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for the demolition of no. 196 and No. 198 Green End Road and construction of 7no. Apartments (5no. 2bed, 1 x 3bed and 1 x 1bed) and commercial space.


The Planner updated her report by referring to details on the amendment sheet:

      i.          Addition of further conditions: Condition 25, 26 and 27.

     ii.          Referred to a statement from an Objector.


Councillor Bird (Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee about the application:

      i.          Safety concerns about road junction:

a.    Impact of extra traffic from the shop.

b.    Lack of parking for shop visitors.

     ii.          There were twenty mature trees and wildlife in the green space.  Expressed concern only two to three trees would be left with less wildlife due to replacement hard standing which could also impact on water drainage.

   iii.          Shop could overlook nearby nursery and lead to lack of privacy.

   iv.          Questioned if there was:

a.    A fire risk from just one entry/exit point.

b.    An appropriate level of parking.

    v.          Expressed concern about:

a.    Development out of character with the area.

b.    Loss of light.

c.    Overlooking of neighbours.

d.    Traffic noise.

e.    Overshadowing.

f.      Application goes over building line.

g.    Overbearing.

h.    Impact on local drainage system.

i.      Overdevelopment of site.

j.      Application too close to pavement, people step out of shop straight onto pavement, causing possible conflict between shoppers and pedestrians.


Councillor Thornburrow proposed amendments to the Officer’s recommendation that:

      i.          The position of letterboxes should be policy compliant.

     ii.          Replacement trees should be maintained for 5 years after planting up.


These amendments were carried unanimously.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report, subject to:

      i.          the planning conditions set out in the Officer’s report and amendment sheet;

     ii.          delegated authority to officers, in consultation with the Chair and Spokes, to draft and include the following additional conditions:

a.    To ensure the position of letterboxes would be policy compliant.

b.    Any replacement trees should be maintained for 5 years.