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20/03501/FUL - Land at Barnes Close

Meeting: 03/02/2021 - Planning (Item 15)

15 20/03501/FUL - Land at Barnes Close pdf icon PDF 244 KB


The Committee received an application for full planning permission. This is a Regulation 3 under the Town and County General Regulations 1992 (as amended).


The application sought approval for demolition of existing garages and hardstanding and the construction of 6 No. modular homes.


The Senior Planner updated her report by referring to updated condition wording and written statements by Objectors on the Amendment Sheet. The Committee adjourned for 10 minutes to ensure all Members had read the additional details.


The Committee received a representation in objection to the application from a resident of Barnes Close:

      i.          The development was not a good living space:

a.    loss of floor area;

b.    does not meet accessibility standards;

c.    lack of private amenity space.

     ii.          Parking pressure from the application would lead to more on-street parking.

   iii.          The colour of the pods would harm the character of the area.

   iv.          The pods would harm the privacy of nearby neighbours.

    v.          Did not object to the principle of housing pods, but they should be located on other site(s).


Mr Lowings (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Councillor Porrer proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation that electric vehicle charging point should be put in the car club parking space.


This amendment was carried unanimously.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report and the Amendment Sheet, and subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer including the amendment to  the condition regarding the electric vehicle charging point and its location.


Committee also delegated authority to Officers to draft the conditions in consultation with the Chair and Spokes.