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20/01967/FUL - 6 Chaucer Road

Meeting: 06/01/2021 - Planning (Item 10)

10 20/01967/FUL - 6 Chaucer Road pdf icon PDF 99 KB


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for change of use of the site to use Class D1 (Education); alterations to existing greenhouse to facilitate use as a classroom, erection of a single storey teaching/toilet block, and alterations to boundary treatment.


The Planner updated her report by referring to amended drafting for condition 7 wording on the amendment sheet.


Mr Giarlis (Architect) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Councillor Thornburrow proposed amendments to the Officer’s recommendation:

      i.          to include a flat roof condition;

     ii.          the ‘Reason’ in condition 6 should be amended as follows:


Reason: To ensure that the external appearance of the development does not detract from the character and appearance of the area and ensure energy efficient materials are used to provide a sustainable building.


The amendments were carried unanimously.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report, subject to:

      i.          the planning conditions set out in the Officer’s report and amendment sheet;

     ii.          the following additional/amended conditions, with delegated authority to Officers to draft the conditions in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes:

a.    to include a flat roof condition;

b.    reason in condition 6 should be amended to meet the resolution above.