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Addressing The Implications For Businesses And The City Centre In The Context Of The Coronavrius Restrictions- Officer Decision ROD

Meeting: 12/01/2021 - Planning and Transport Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

9 Addressing The Implications For Businesses And The City Centre In The Context Of The Coronavrius Restrictions- Officer Decision ROD pdf icon PDF 211 KB



The Strategic Director confirmed that the Record of Decision would be on the agenda for all relevant scrutiny committees and said the following in response to Members’ comments.


      i.         Noted the comments that the committee welcomed the expansion of the eligibility for free car parking from public and sector voluntary workers to included lower paid workers in all essential businesses.

    ii.         The urgent decision reflected the availability of those permits for the November lockdown and any subsequent period of national lockdown up until March 31, 2021.

   iii.         Permits had been available through the Council’s business networks and other media platforms.

  iv.         Employers had to justify why the permits were required for their for employees.

    v.         34 permits under the business permit worker had been issued.

  vi.         Three organisations had requested applications to apply for their employees.

 vii.         The permits were available for anyone who was required to work in the city centre during the periods of national lockdown when public transport was restricted for social distance reasons.

viii.         Normally a permit would be allocated to a car park closest to the business needs where the employee required their employees to work.

  ix.         Public sector permits were also available.

    x.         Surface car parks did have allocation for these permits.

  xi.         The topic of the Market came under the Environment and Community Scrutiny Committee.

 xii.         At the time the report was written there were market stall holders trading essential goods. 

xiii.         There was a public health concern around this current lockdown of the new mutation and people congregating around the market square.

xiv.         The decision was taken that further action was required while and risk assessments were currently being written in consultation with the stall holders and Public Health England.





The Executive Councillor for Transport and Community Safety said the following: 

      i.         Was aware of some key workers in residential parking zones who struggled to find parking spaces because the County Council parking zone had been oversubscribed. 

    ii.         Had contacted the County Council to enquire if key workers in residential zones could be exempt from any enforcement issues at this moment in time.

   iii.         Noted the comment that enforcement should take place on the City Council car parks

  iv.         Acknowledged the comment there could be an issue of safety regarding the suggestion of key workers being exempt from enforcement in residential zones.


The decision was noted.