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62 18/1678/FUL - Station Area Development PDF 779 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee received
an application for full planning permission.
The application
sought approval for the proposed erection of two new buildings comprising:
5,351sqm (GEA) of Class B1(a)/ Class B1(b) floorspace
including ancillary accommodation/ facilities with associated plant;
162 cycle parking spaces, and 8 off-gauge cycle
spaces for Block F2 and an Aparthotel (Class C1) comprising 125 suites,
ancillary accommodation and facilities with multi-storey
car park for Network Rail (total GEA 12,153sqm) comprising 206 car parking
spaces and 34 cycle parking spaces for Block B2 with associated plant;
hard and soft landscaping;
permanent access from Devonshire Road to the
Cambridge Station Car Park, utilising the existing pedestrian and cycle access,
restricted to emergency access to the railway only.
The Principal Planner updated his report by referring to the
pre-Committee amendments to recommendation on the amendment sheet.
The Committee received representations in objection to the application
from the following:
· The
Chair of South Petersfield Residents Association.
· Cambridge
Cycling Campaign.
The representations covered the following issues:
The design is not sufficiently
safe and attractive for a busy cycling and walking route.
The B2 building footprint is
bigger than in the outline application.
Queried where taxis would over
rank when not in the car park.
More cycle parking was required.
The Chisholm Trail would be one of
the most heavily used cycling routes in the city.
Refuse lorries would have to
reverse along the northern access route, so a segregated cycle route was needed
on this.
Asked for the application to be
refused for the following reasons:
The footprint of building F2 would
block the cycle route.
The mass of building B2 and its
proximity to Devonshire Road was damaging to the character of the Conservation
The Applicant and Network Rail should
review the proposed design as it changed since the initial application.
Expressed concern:
That the Chisholm Trail was not
being protected as per Local Plan Policy 80.
About safety:
i. Shared
space by cycles and vehicles.
ii. Sharp
iii. Poor
The Applicant tentatively agreed
to review the design of the northern access, but no progress appears to have
been made about the southern part of the site.
Department for Transport Cycle
infrastructure Design (LTN 1/20) principles were not being met eg roundabout
Mr Derbyshire (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of
the application.
Councillor Robertson (Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee about the
Had written to the Applicant when the application
was submitted to ask why several elements of the Local Plan Policies were being
ignored in their designs. Some points were then added eg electric charging
points in the car park.
Water supply for the city was a concern. New
buildings should harvest rain through grey water recycling facilities (to
respond to climate change). The buildings in the application did not appear to
do so.
The F2 office block would overshadow neighbouring
residences and create a sense of enclosure.
The F2 building footprint was now bigger than in
outline plans.
The proximity of F2 and B2 buildings would create a
‘canyon effect’.
Changes to the road layout did not address safety
concerns for cyclists and walkers.
There was too much conflict between cyclists and
pedestrians in the station square.
A segregated cycle route was needed between F2 and
B2 buildings and behind the square so people could access the station.
The station area already had lots of office space, no more was needed. Housing should be provided
instead. Particularly as COVID-19 has shown people can/prefer to work from
It was preferable to make some of the office space
housing now, rather than trying to [retrospectively] convert it later when the
housing may not meet space standards.
The B2 hotel and car park had a larger footprint
than allowed in the outline permission. It would loom over nearby residences to
a greater extent than expected when outline permission was given.
Requested the application be refused for the
following reasons:
It failed to respond to climate change as per Local
Plan Policy 28.
F2 would impact on local residences.
Office space should not be retrospectively be
converted into housing space.
The gap was too narrow between the office blocks.
The B2 hotel would extend too close to the cycle
route and dominate local housing.
The Committee:
Only those members who attended the meeting on
17 June took part in the discussion/vote on this item. Councillors
Smart (Chair), Baigent (Vice Chair), Green, McQueen, Porrer, Thornburrow and
Councillor Page-Croft did not take part in the discussion or decision
making for this item.
Resolved (by 5 votes to 2) to reject the
Officer recommendation to approve the application.
Members proposed draft ‘minded to’ reasons
for refusal which were re-worded by Officers into a format for the minutes.
Members resolved (by 5 votes to 0 with 2 abstentions) to accept both
reasons for ‘minded to’ refusal and the wording therein.
Resolved (by 5 votes to 2) to refuse the application contrary to the
Officer recommendation for the following reasons:
The proposed development fails to provide high
quality cycling infrastructure commensurate with Cambridge as the leading
cycling city in the UK and fails to demonstrate it is compatible with the
objectives of and safeguards the safety and prioritisation of pedestrians and
cycling in the area including the Chisholm Trail. This is because the movement,
safety and promotion of cycling as an active transport mode for all users both
travelling through the site and for those accessing the Cambridge Railway
Station / Cycle Point and utilising the strategic cycle network in the CB1
area, is not prioritised through the provision of a physically segregated and
protected cycle route. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies 25, 56,
57, 59 and 80 of the Cambridge Local Plan (2018), the NPPF (Feb 2019)
paragraphs 104 and 109 and Local Transport Note 1/20, Cycle Infrastructure
Design (DfT).
By virtue of the scale, massing and footprint of
building B2 in close proximity to Carter Bridge and in regard of views from
Devonshire Road, the proposed building would appear visually cramped, overly
prominent and detract from the character and appearance of the existing area
and setting of the adjacent Mill Road Conservation Area. The proposal is
therefore contrary to policies 55, 56, 57 and 61 of the Cambridge Local Plan
(2018) and NPPF (Feb 2019) paragraphs 124 and 196.