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73 S106 Funding Round 2019: Play Areas and Open Spaces PDF 311 KB
Additional documents:
Matter for Decision
To approve the allocation
of S106 funding for various projects as outlined in the officer’s report.
Decision of the Executive
Councillor for Planning Policy and Open Spaces.
Agreed to allocated s106 funding
to the following projects, as amended, subject to the business case approval (see section 4 and appendix A of the Officers’ report for
project details).
Chesterton Rec Ground wheel-sport facility (East
Chesterton ward): an additional £20,000 (informal open space). |
N2 |
Five Trees open space: wildflower and tree planting
(East Chesterton): £5,000 (informal open space) |
N3 |
Pearl Close play area & open space improvements
(East Chesterton): £2,900 (play) and £3,000 (informal open space) |
E1 |
Tree planting in open spaces in Coleridge ward:
£13,000 (informal open space) |
S3 |
Nightingale Avenue Rec footpath improvements (Queen
Edith’s ward): an additional £10,000 (informal open space) |
S4 |
Landscaping for new Nightingale Rec Ground Pavilion
(Queen Edith’s): £10,000 (informal open space) |
S6 |
Accordia open space improvements: installation of
drainage swales and biodiversity information boards (Trumpington): £5,000
(informal open space) |
WC1 |
Parker’s Piece tree planting (Market): provisional
allocation until June 2022 of £9,900 (informal open space) towards the wider
project costs (see paragraph 4.3c). |
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations
The Committee received a report from the Development Manager who
reminded the committee that since report had been published, it had become
clear that one of the recommendations (to fund the Trumpington Recreation
Ground boundary landscaping proposal [S5]) using local S106 contributions) was
not ready for consideration and had been withdrawn for consideration.
Councillor Bird welcomed the recommendation for funding for the
Chesterton Rec Ground wheel-sport facility, the Five Trees open space:
wildflower and tree planting (East Chesterton), Pearl Close play area & open space improvements (East Chesterton)
and thanked officers for their hard work in bringing these schemes forward.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendation
as amended to allocate S106 funding to the following eight projects below,
subject to business case approval (see section 4 and
appendix A of the officers’ report for project details):
Chesterton Rec Ground
wheel-sport facility (East Chesterton ward): an additional £20,000 (informal
open space). |
N2 |
Five Trees open space:
wildflower and tree planting (East Chesterton): £5,000 (informal open space) |
N3 |
Pearl Close play area
& open space improvements (East Chesterton): £2,900 (play) and £3,000
(informal open space) |
E1 |
Tree planting in open
spaces in Coleridge ward: £13,000 (informal open space) |
S3 |
Nightingale Avenue Rec
footpath improvements (Queen Edith’s ward): an additional £10,000 (informal
open space) |
S4 |
Landscaping for new Nightingale
Rec Ground Pavilion (Queen Edith’s): £10,000 (informal open space) |
S6 |
Accordia open space
improvements: installation of drainage swales and biodiversity information
boards (Trumpington): £5,000 (informal open space) |
WC1 |
Parker’s Piece tree
planting (Market): provisional allocation until June 2022 of £9,900 (informal
open space) towards the wider project costs (see paragraph 4.3c). |
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.