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Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) - Update on Histon Road

Meeting: 03/09/2020 - North Area Committee (Item 21)

Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) - Update on Histon Road


The Committee received a presentation from Paul Van de Bulk, Senior Delivery Project Manager, on Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) projects.


The Histon Road presentation outlined:

      i.         The Histon Road project was well underway, works had started at the Mirkets Road junction at the beginning of the year but there had been a 7 week delay due to COVID-19.

    ii.         Works had since restarted and the decision was taken to implement phases b and c, which were the main stretches of Histon Road. The road closure was implemented, while the junction works were still going ahead and traffic was fairly quiet. This had worked quite well.

   iii.         Was aware that schools were returning the following week and the situation would be monitored closely.

  iv.         The variable message signs were back up on the A14, Skanska were asked to have extra staff on site during the first week back to school to ensure that children who had to interact with Histon Road could do this safely.

    v.         Junction area at Mirkets was nearing completion.

  vi.         Surface area of carriageway had been resurfaced although this still needed to have the red surfacing done for the cycle lane areas.

 vii.         Were on schedule to resurface the footpaths in the coming weeks.  The GCP were working with CityFibre to coordinate their works together.

viii.         Were working with the County Council who were also looking at resurfacing footpaths in the area.


Questions from members of the public (MOP) and Councillors:

        i.       Welcomed the joint working of GCP and CityFibre so that the area did not have to have works undertaken twice. Questioned whether there was any data collected regarding traffic and any displacement of traffic or whether it was too early to say or if the data would be difficult to collect due to the pandemic.


The Senior Delivery Project Manager commented that it was too early to comment on any traffic impacts and it was difficult because of the pandemic to make comparisons.  It would be useful to be provided with information from residents. Although inevitably some residents would be impacted because of the works.


      ii.        Commented that the GCP had produced a report for travel changes year on year which might assist with the traffic query however the only road which was measured in the north area was Milton Road. There had been a 10% reduction in traffic year on year on Milton Road. He had also asked the GCP Assembly that more roads, north of the river should be monitored as 9 roads were monitored south of the river.


    iii.        A member of the public asked ‘In respect of Arbury Road closure, will the North Area Committee communicate with the County Council's Highways and Transport Committee with a view to avoiding the concentration of most of the road's traffic, congestion and pollution onto the hundreds of families and children in the estates of Arbury and Kings Hedges whilst creating a pollution-free area for a privileged few; the halting of the fragile recovery of shops, businesses and the economy after lockdown; and the discrimination against the elderly and disabled who cannot do more walking and cycling?"


The Senior Delivery Project Manager commented that this question needed to be directed to the County Council as it was not a project that he was leading on. However if the County Council sought to close Arbury Road he would want to speak with the relevant officer at the county council regarding these works as it would have an impact on the traffic currently being diverted away from Histon Road.


Action: Cllr Bird to liaise with the resident regarding concerns about the Arbury Road closure.


    iv.       Asked whether there were any consequences if people drove into the closed areas.


The Senior Delivery Project Manager commented that contact had been made with schools asking them to contact parents to make them aware of the works and diversion routes in place and try to discourage parents driving to school and to encourage where possible that people walked / cycled while works were on-going. Where people made genuine mistakes and drove into the road closure they should be able to turn around however the police may take action if they witnessed drivers deliberately ignoring the road closure.


v. Asked if the 7 week delay due to COVID-19 had impacted on the Histon Road work completion date. She also commented that the County Council should be working with the GCP regarding works and closures proposed in the north area.


The Senior Delivery Project Manager confirmed that he would liaise with the County Council regarding works in the north area. The work on Histon Road was still on target for completion at the scheduled time because phases b and c were being undertaken at the same time and due to changes in contractors.


Councillor Manning confirmed that the second phase of the Arbury Road scheme was going to the County Council Highways and Transport Committee on the 15 September for a decision.


vi.A MOP thanked the GCP for the buses on Histon Road and commented that there had never been so many buses stopping at all the stops on Histon Road.


The Milton Road presentation outlined:

i.               This was still in the detailed design stage and a ground penetrating survey (GPR survey) had been carried out and the testing of the construction of the road had been undertaken. Trial holes would be undertaken in the future.

ii.             Aiming to take the Milton Road scheme to the GCP Executive Board in March / June 2021.

iii.            The Milton Road project had slowed down, whilst they were waiting for the Histon Road scheme to be completed.


The Waterbeach to Cambridge presentation outlined:

i.               This project was looking at providing a public transport walking and cycling route from the new town in Waterbeach to North East Cambridge. The GCP provided a briefing last night and there was a report going to the Joint Assembly on the 10 September 2020. Deadlines for public questions was 7 September 2020.