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WCAC Area Committee Grants 2021-22

Meeting: 11/03/2021 - West Central Area Committee (Item 8)

8 WCAC Area Committee Grants 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 395 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Community Funding and Development Manager.  

Councillor Payne stated a declaration of interest as a member of the steering group for WC1 Castle Covid Support, but noted support for all other grant applications included in the report. 

Councillor Gehring was not present for the vote. 

The Community Funding and Development Manager provided the following responses to member questions: 

      i.         Some bids for funding by community groups were not within the remit of grants available.  The Community Funding and Development Manager had worked with some of these groups on options for additional funding, including donations or using current reserves  

    ii.         The grants were allocated to allow a good mix of activities across the city wards. 

   iii.         A group which had last year been allocated a higher one-off grant for additional equipment, was this year allocated a lower level of funding as it was felt the bid did not have a strong connection to the priorities.  Discussions took place with the group to connect it with the Streets and Open Spaces team and potential alternative funding. 

Following discussion, Members resolved (unanimously): 

To agree the proposed awards detailed in Appendix 1 of the officer’s report and as summarised in the table below. 






Castle Covid Support Association (via Benson Road Residents’ Assoc) 

Three public concerts  



Christ’s Pieces Residents’ Association 

Talk for local residents 



Eddington Residents’ Association 

Regular activities for residents and 2 trips for families  



Friends of Histon Road Cemetery 

Information and activities 



Friends of Midsummer Common 

Community activities and maintenance of community orchard 



Histon Road Area Residents’ Association 




Mayfield Seniors’ Group 

Transport for 3 trips and newsletters 



Oblique Arts 

Six creative workshops with exhibition for older people 



