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62 Annual Report of 3C Building Control Service & Planning Shared Service 2019/20 PDF 228 KB
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Matter for
The report summarised the performance of the 3Cs Building Control
Shared Services and the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service during
of Executive Councillor for Planning Policy Open Spaces
Noted the contents of the 3Cs Building Control Shared
Services report.
Noted the contents of the Greater
Cambridge Shared Planning Service report.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received reports from the Strategic Lead 3C Building
Control and the Strategic Director, Joint Director of Planning and Economic
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
In relation to Building
Control, congratulated the service on their awards and noted the customer
feedback was good and the service was exceeding targets. Noted in the past that
a confidential appendix would be provided detailing fee generating income;
exempt from publication as the service competed with the private sector. Asked
how the council was doing in terms of the market share.
In relation to the Planning Service, thought the
tide was turning. Noted complaints stemmed from a backlog of validating
applications. Asked what the position was in relation to the backlog and how
long it would be until it was resolved.
In relation to the Planning Service asked what
could be done for more public engagement particularly for residents who were
not part of a Residents Association. Noted that SCDC had Parish Forums,
questioned if Area Committees could take on this role.
The Strategic Lead 3C Building Control and the Strategic Director, Joint
Director of Planning and Economic Development said the following in response to
Members’ questions:
Was happy to provide the committee with a brief
summary of how the Building Control Department was performing in terms of the
market share but did not want to discuss this in a public meeting as this
information would disclose commercially sensitive information.
The backlog of application validating and
determination had been impacted by the effects of the service wide restructure and
the introduction of the new joint software on which all future planning
applications would be processed. The
backlog of validating applications was reducing and, there were 21 householder
applications, 21 outline applications and 6 listed building consent
applications awaiting validation in the City as of 29 June.
The Technical Support Team were prioritising
householder and business applications. An update would be provided on the
backlog position to the Committee following the meeting.
The Planning Application Service had been
restructured so that they were now organised into 3 x area planning teams with
dedicated officers for each area. The service was exploring how these new teams could be ‘introduced’
to the public. Each Team had already run
a virtual introductory meeting for Parish Councils and they were looking to see
how else they could promote the service within the community.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations and congratulated the teams on their achievements.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.