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Nominations for Committees for the Municipal Year 2021/22

Meeting: 17/05/2021 - Civic Affairs (Item 14)

14 Nominations for Committees for the Municipal Year 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 249 KB


The Committee considered a paper setting out the proposed Committee allocations by party and the nominations received. The Committee considered the rules on political balance set out in the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 in developing the recommendations set out below.


The Committee noted the proposed committees and nominations set out in the paper issued on 17 May.  The Democratic Services Manager stated that the Council on 27 May would be considering a Notice of Motion to propose that the four area committees will continue to meet virtually until the end of 2021 and by meeting virtually, they will be non-decision making.  


Resolved (unanimously) to:


i.               Recommend to Council to agree the number and size of committees and to note the nominations listed below (any updates will be provided in the Information Pack to Council):


Ordinary Committee


Environment and Communities Scrutiny Committee 10 (6 Labour + 3 Lib Dem + 1 Green and Independent)

H. Davies, Healy, S.Baigent, Sweeney, O’Reilly, Lab TBC


Payne, Hauk, Page-Croft




Alternates – Sheil, Gilderdale, Bond, Lib Dem TBC


Planning and Transport Scrutiny Committee 10 (6 Labour + 3 Lib Dem + 1 Green and Independent)

D. Baigent, S.Smith, Scutt, Gawthrope Wood, Pounds, Lab TBC


Bick, Porrer, Bond


S. Davies


Alternates – O’Reilly, Sargeant, Hauk, Lib Dem TBC


Housing Scrutiny Committee 9 (6 Labour + 2 Lib Dem + 1 Green and Independent)

Bird, Sheil, Gawthrope Wood, Robertson, Gilderdale, Pounds


Dalzell, Lee




Alternates – Sweeney, Lab TBC, Page-Croft, Lib Dem TBC


Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee 6 (4 Labour + 2 Lib Dem)

Robertson, Davies, Healy, S.Smith


Bick, Dalzell


Alternates – O’Reilly, Scutt, Payne, Lib Dem TBC


Civic Affairs Committee 6 (4 Labour + 2 Lib Dem)

Sargeant, Davey, O’Reilly, Dryden


Gehring, Flaubert


Alternate – Moore, Dalzell


Employment (Senior Officer) Committee 6 (4 Labour +2 Lib Dem)

Herbert, Moore, S. Baigent, Collis


Bick, Porrer


Alternates: A.Smith


Licensing Committee 10 (6 Labour + 3 Lib Dem + 1 Green and Independent)

Bird, McPherson, McQueen, Dryden, Moore, Collis


Page-Croft, Cox, Bond




Alternates – Scutt, Flaubert


Planning Committee 7 (5 Labour+ 2 Lib Dem)

Smart, D. Baigent, Thornburrow, Gawthrope Wood, Dryden


Porrer, Flaubert


Alternates – Herbert, McQueen, Page-Croft


Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority - 1 seat



Alternate - Smart


Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 Labour

Davey, D. Baigent


Alternates – Moore



Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Audit and Governance Committee 1 Labour + one alternate



Alternate – Moore


Greater Cambridge Partnership Joint Assembly 3 (2 Labour + 1 Lib Dem)

S.Smith, Moore, Bick




Joint Development Control Committee - Cambridge Fringes 6 (4 Labour+ 2 Lib Dem)

Smart, D. Baigent, S.Smith, Thornburrow


Porrer, Page-Croft


Alternates – Scutt, Gawthrope Wood, Flaubert, Bond


ii.             Agree the nominations for Chairs and Vice Chairs as below:




Vice Chair

Environment and Communities Services

H. Davies


Planning and Transport

D. Baigent





(nb. Tenant/Leaseholder is Chair of Part 1 of the meeting)

Strategy & Resources


H. Davies

Civic Affairs








D. Baigent


Smart as Vice Chair (South Cambridgeshire District Council has the Chair this year)


iii.            Noted there were no constitutional updates for the meeting.