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East Barnwell (One Public Estate)

Meeting: 24/09/2020 - Housing Scrutiny Committee (Item 37)

37 East Barnwell (One Public Estate) pdf icon PDF 328 KB

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This item was chaired by Councillor Mike Todd-Jones


Matter for Decision

This report sets out work that has been carried out towards developing a masterplan for the East Barnwell area within Abbey Ward. This work has been supported by the One Public Estate programme.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing

i.               Noted the progress on developing a masterplan for East Barnwell and the Interim report.

ii.             Approved the development of further engagement with stakeholders and the second stage consultation process.

Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Head of Housing Development.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:

      i.         This was a positive change in East Barnwell and was well overdue, noted that there had been one round of consultation and would encourage further consultation.

    ii.         Noted that this development seemed to be looking towards a different source of funding for regeneration compared to the Marleigh development (which would develop 1300 new houses close by). Questioned what redevelopment the East Barnwell community might see as a result of the Marleigh development through s106 agreement funding.  Also noted that the McDonalds site would be difficult to acquire and regenerate on Newmarket Road but asked officers to liaise with McDonalds.

   iii.         Referred to p251 and p276 of the agenda which contained an exert of the local plan detailing the area which would be regenerated at the intersection of Newmarket Road and Barnwell Road. Questioned whether some of the open space (bowling green, tennis court) was protected open space as it appeared to be shown as brownfield land on one of the plans.

  iv.         Queried whether the Marleigh development was within the city council boundary.

    v.         Questioned what parking provision would be put on the site if garages were removed.

  vi.         Asked for the open space to be fairly distributed across the site and a commitment that the open space would be accessible and close to the new development.


The Senior Housing Development Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.         He had had some meetings with the developers of the Marleigh development to try and ensure that the sites would be integrated but a lot of the s106 provisions arising from the Marleigh development would be delivered within the Marleigh development. There was some scope for additional open space and how this was used.  Further discussions with the developer, residents and stakeholders could be held to discuss how this could come together.  He was aware of the transport issues concerning McDonalds on Newmarket Road as these had arisen through discussions with the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) and their Eastern Access Project. Further discussion with stakeholders was required.

    ii.         Part of the open space area referred to was protected open space. Access to the open space was limited at the moment.  The policy provided for the re-provision of open space, but consideration needed to be given to how the open space could be re-configured to make better use of it.  Feedback from residents about the accessibility of the open space was important and would need further consultation.

   iii.         Confirmed that a small part of the Marleigh development was within the city council boundary.

  iv.         This was the starting point of the project for change and regeneration. When the consultation was carried out there were strong views about accessibility and the cost of public transport and concerns about parking.  These issues would have to be addressed when a formal proposal was brought forward.


The Executive Councillor responded that this was the start of the process and it was important that residents were involved within the process. He asked the Senior Housing Development Manager to provide the Committee with an update on the County Council’s proposals regarding the community centre.


The Senior Housing Development Manager said that they wanted to ensure that the community centre was delivered, they were not looking to create a hurdle to slow down the provision of the community centre. There were a number of challenges, but they had been working with the Local Planning Authority and the County Council to develop a Statement of Principles, which was a framework for development in the area.


The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.