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SAC - Environmental Report

Meeting: 30/11/2020 - South Area Committee (Item 33)

33 SAC - Environmental Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Committee received a report from the Public Realm Enforcement Officer.


The report outlined an overview of the council’s Streets and Open Spaces, Environmental Health and Shared Waste service activity in the Area Committee area over the past six months.


The Committee discussed the following issues:

      i.          Fly tipping and obstruction of footway by shop owners’ wheelie bins at the back of Anstey Way.

     ii.          Garage in Church Way (Cherry Hinton) undertaking vehicle repairs on the public highway. Anti-social behaviour by the garage owners deterred people from reporting issues such as vehicles parking on double yellow lines.


In response to Members’ questions the Public Realm Enforcement Officer said the following:

      i.          Various instances of verge parking had been investigated. Warning letters sent to vehicle owners had stopped verge parking reoccurring by these individuals otherwise fixed penalty letters would have been sent out as the next stage of action.

     ii.          Officers patrolled Church End. Welcomed witness statements from members of the public about garage undertaking vehicle repairs on the public highway.

   iii.          There was no fly tipping of rubbish since the Colville Road recycling point closed. The Public Realm Enforcement Officer would ask colleagues to see if the battery and/or clothing bank could be replaced.