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EAC - Environmental Report

Meeting: 18/03/2021 - East Area Committee (Item 36)

36 EAC - Environmental Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Environmental Health Manager introduced the report and made the following comments in response to the Committee’s questions:


      i.         Noted the request for additional dog bins in the Abbey ward and would investigate the matter further and if funding permitted this. 

    ii.         Acknowledged the request to make those areas highlighted in Abbey ward concerning fly tipping was made a priority for the community clean-up day when this was permitted.

   iii.         The City Homes team was looking to appoint a Community Enforcement Officer for council residents.

  iv.         Abandoned cycles were taken to the Cowley Road depot where they were distributed to various charities. Would enquire which charities they were and if the OWL Bikes were one of them.

    v.         Noted the comment that only a third of pruning of the trees along the avenue next to Mill Road Cemetery had been completed.

  vi.         Noted the request for additional signage concerning safe dog walking in open spaces.

 vii.         Due to COVID restrictions there was limited pest control (rats). Discussion would be held on how this could be opened back to significant pests (mice, cockroaches, pharaoh ants and bed bugs) in line with the Government roadmap.

viii.         Working with Marshalls and residents regarding noise complaints from Marshalls

The Chair of the Committee thanked the Environmental Health Manager for their report and for the hard work of all the officers that had been undertaken since the last report.