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19/0866/FUL - 67 Perne Road

Meeting: 04/03/2020 - Planning (Item 31)

31 19/0866/FUL - 67 Perne Road pdf icon PDF 191 KB


The Committee received an application for a proposed rear extension to include loft extension to convert 3 bed dwelling into 3 no. flats.


The Committee was advised that an additional 14 day consultation period applied to this application.  It was appropriate for the Committee to consider the application on the understanding that if there were material issues raised during the consultation it was be re-submitted for determination.  The responses to the consultation would be provided to the Chair, Vice Chair and spokes.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 7 votes to 0) to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report, and subject to any material points arising in the further consultation period.