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19/1616/FUL - 67-97A Campkin Road

Meeting: 04/03/2020 - Planning (Item 20)

20 19/1616/FUL - 67-97A Campkin Road pdf icon PDF 230 KB


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for demolition of 32no existing flats and garages, and erection of 75no new affordable dwellings, including 4no houses and 71no apartments, a new community facility, car parking, landscaping and associated works.


The Principal Planner referred members to the amendments contained in the Amendment Sheet which dealt with an additional neighbour representation and conditions proposed by the Local Lead Flood Authority following the withdrawal of their objection to the application. 


The Principal Planner as part of his presentation proposed two additional conditions, the first related to noise from the community centre garden in order to protect residential amenity and the second was to require EV charging points were provided in accordance with an approved plan.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report, subject to:

      i.         the prior completion of an Agreement under s106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the planning obligations referenced in paragraphs 8.73 of the Officer’s report; and

    ii.         the planning conditions set out in the Officer’s report; and

   iii.         the following additional conditions set out in the amendment sheet; and


37 (Surface Water Drainage)

No development hereby permitted, with the exception of demolition, shall be commenced until a surface water drainage scheme for the site, based on sustainable drainage principles and in accordance with South Cambridgeshire District Council local plan policies, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is occupied.

The scheme shall also include:

a) Details of the existing surface water drainage arrangements including runoff rates for the QBAR, 3.3% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) (1 in 30) and 1% AEP (1 in 100) storm events;

b) Full results of the proposed drainage system modelling in the above-referenced storm events (as well as 1% AEP plus climate change) , inclusive of all collection, conveyance, storage, flow control and disposal elements and including an allowance for urban creep, together with a schematic of how the system has been represented within the hydraulic model;

c) Detailed drawings of the entire proposed surface water drainage system, including levels, gradients, dimensions and pipe reference numbers and all SuDS features;

d) A plan of the drained site area and which part of the proposed drainage system these will drain to;

e) Full details of the proposed attenuation and flow control measures;

f) Site Investigation and test results to confirm infiltration rates;

g) Temporary storage facilities if the development is to be phased;

h) A timetable for implementation if the development is to be phased;

i) Details of overland flood flow routes in the event of system exceedance, with demonstration that such flows can be appropriately managed on site without increasing flood risk to occupants;

j) Full details of the maintenance/adoption of the surface water drainage system;

k) Measures taken to prevent pollution of the receiving groundwater and/or surface water;

l) Formal agreement from a third party if discharging into their system is proposed, including confirmation (and evidence where appropriate) that sufficient capacity is available.

The drainage scheme must adhere to the hierarchy of drainage options as outlined in the NPPF PPG.

Reason: To ensure that the proposed development can be adequately drained and to ensure that there is no increased flood risk on or off site resulting from the proposed development.


38 (Management and maintenance)

Details for the long-term maintenance arrangements for the surface water drainage system (including all SuDS features) to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the first occupation of any of the buildings hereby permitted. The submitted details should identify runoff sub-catchments, SuDS components, control structures, flow routes and outfalls. In addition, the plan must clarify the access that is required to each surface water management component for maintenance purposes. The maintenance plan shall be carried out in full thereafter.

Reason: To ensure the satisfactory maintenance of drainage systems that are not publically adopted, in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 163 and 165 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


39 (Foul Drainage)

No building hereby permitted shall be occupied until foul water drainage works have been implemented in accordance with details that have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure that the proposed development can be adequately drained and to ensure that there is no increased flood risk on or off site resulting from the proposed development.


40 Flood Evacuation Plan

No building hereby permitted shall be occupied until a flood evacuation plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure that the proposed development is safe to access and egress in the event of a flood.




INFORMATIVE:  Finished Floor Levels:

The applicant is advised that the proposed finished floor levels are set below the recommended freeboard allowance. The applicant has set out their reasons for this – principally that the applicant’s modelling shows the properties as not flooding and a higher finished floor level (relative to local ground level) would result in impractical access ramps. Our preference would be to provide more freeboard as a contingency. For the avoidance of doubt the setting of finished floor levels (as with all other design choices) is ultimately at the applicant’s risk and the Lead Local Flood Authority accept no liability for consequences of the design. 


The applicant is advised that, given the low amount of freeboard on the finished floor levels, that they consider flood resilient construction techniques and materials such as those outlined in the DCLG Improving the Flood Performance of New Buildings - Flood Resilient Construction guidance: 

https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data /file/7730/flood_performance.pdf  



All green roofs should be designed, constructed and maintained in line with the CIRIA SuDS Manual (C753) and the Green Roof Code (GRO).


INFORMATIVE Pollution Control:

Surface water and groundwater bodies are highly vulnerable to pollution and the impact of construction activities. It is essential that the risk of pollution (particularly during the construction phase) is considered and mitigated appropriately. It is important to remember that flow within the watercourse is likely to vary by season and it could be dry at certain times throughout the year. Dry watercourses should not be overlooked as these watercourses may flow or even flood following heavy rainfall. 


iv.               The following additional conditions tabled at committee and


a)    Music and amplified voice is prohibited in the external community centre garden at all times.


Reason: To protect the amenity of properties from noise. (National Planning Policy Framework, Feb 2019 - paragraph 180  a) and b) and Cambridge Local Plan 2018 - Policy 35: Protection of human health and quality of life from noise and vibration)


b)    The electric vehicle charge points and associated infrastructure as detailed in and as shown on drawing number CPK-EV01 - Electric Vehicle Charging Points shall be the type / standard as detailed below and shall be installed prior to use of the development hereby permitted is commenced and retained thereafter, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The charging points shall be designed and installed in accordance with BS EN 61851.


Reason:  In the interests of encouraging more sustainable modes and forms of transport and to reduce the impact of development on local air quality, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF, 2019) paragraphs, 110, 170 and 181, Policy 36 of the Cambridge Local Plan (2018) and Cambridge City Council's adopted Air Quality Action Plan (2018).




v.               An amendment to condition 35 to include maintenance details of green roof areas, with the specific wording being delegated to the Delivery Manager Development Management.