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Polling District Review

Meeting: 09/10/2019 - Civic Affairs (Item 38)

38 Polling District Review pdf icon PDF 316 KB

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The committee received a report from the Electoral Services Manager regarding the review of Polling Districts. She referred to an amendment sheet that included comments received after the report had been published and corrected boundary maps (as referenced in report recommendations).


Councillor Robertson addressed the committee to state some venues in Petersfield were unsuitable as polling stations. He asked if Hanover Court could be considered.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:

       i.          Some venues in city wards were unsuitable as polling stations.

     ii.          Asked if Milton Road Library and St Lawrence’s Church should be the only polling stations in West Chesterton on grounds of accessibility and familiarity.

   iii.          Expressed concern about the disabled access at the polling station at New Chesterton Institute.


The Electoral Services Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

       i.          It was not explicitly set out in Electoral Commission Polling District Review Guidance, but in exceptional circumstances polling stations outside an area could be used if no suitable ones could be found within the polling place.

     ii.          Polling districts/places were agreed by the Civic Affairs Committee. The Returning Officer was responsible for allocating polling stations.

   iii.          The Committee could set a polling place anywhere within its polling district, however allocating the whole polling district as a polling place would be more suitable. If required (ie no suitable ones available when required) details of alternates could be brought back to a future committee for approval. The Returning Officer could then set specific polling stations to use on polling day subject to availability.


Unanimously resolved:

       i.          To approve the changes to polling districts in Cambridge as laid out in maps (Appendix A of the Officer’s report and amendment sheet).

     ii.          That the polling place for each polling district is the polling district boundary, unless otherwise stated in Appendix B of the Officer’s report and amendment sheet.