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Local Transport Plan 2019 – Consultation Response

Meeting: 16/07/2019 - Planning and Transport Scrutiny Committee (Item 33)

33 Local Transport Plan 2019 – Consultation Response pdf icon PDF 502 KB


Matter for Decision

The purpose of the report was to inform Cambridge City Council’s response to the Cambridgeshire Peterborough Combined Authority Draft Local Transport Plan consultation.


Decision of Executive Councilor for Transport and Community Safety.


     i.        Noted the initial response to the Local Transport Plan consultation as set out in appendix 1 of the Officer’s report.

    ii.        Agreed the wording of a final joint response and/or any individual response through an out of cycle decision, in consultation with Chair and Spokes


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations


The Committee received a report from the Principal Planning Policy Officer.


The report referred to the Devolution Deal of 2017 which gave the Combined Authority (CPCA) the role of the Local Transport Authority from Cambridgeshire County Council. One of the key responsibilities of the Local Transport Authority was the development of a new Local Transport Plan (LTP), to set out plans and strategies for maintaining and improving all aspects of the local transport system.


The Principal Planning Policy Officer said the following in response to Members’ questions:

     i.        Noted the comment regarding the need for a mid or even short term strategy to reduce traffic within the city and improve transport links which should not be ignored when considering the long term local transport plan.

    ii.        Acknowledged a new dual-carriageway standard route, from Cambridge to Chatteris, March and Wisbech would encourage investment in north Cambridgeshire, and share the benefits of the success of the Greater Cambridge area. However this was not a priority project but there were plans for the fenland area to improve rail links, including Wisbech station.

   iii.        The issue of maintenance had been picked up in the plan under policy theme 19.

  iv.        Policy theme 18 of the plan proposed to identify a key local road network, identified parts of the network which should be prioritised for management and maintenance. This policy would also address measures to reduce number of vehicles, picking up on issues addressed in other policy themes.

   v.        Reference to social context and issues had been referenced throughout the document such as affordable travel for all.

  vi.        Discussion of the Dutch-type segregated walking and cycling infrastructure was to give an idea of what could be achieved but did not mean that this was the preferred choice.


The Committee unanimously endorsed the Officer recommendations


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)


No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.