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40 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Medium Term Financial Strategy PDF 304 KB
Additional documents:
Recommendations (part 1) were chaired by Diana Minns (Vice Chair /Tenant
Representative) and recommendations (part 2) were chaired by Councillor
Matter for
The Housing
Revenue Account (HRA) Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) provided an
opportunity to review the assumptions incorporated as part of the longer-term
financial planning process, recommending any changes in response to new
legislative requirements, variations in external economic factors and
amendments to service delivery methods, allowing incorporation into budgets and
financial forecasts at the earliest opportunity.
Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing (part 1)
i. Approved the Housing Revenue Account Medium Term Financial Strategy attached, to include all proposals for change in:
• Financial assumptions as detailed in Appendix B of the document.
• 2019/20 revenue budgets and future year forecasts as introduced in Section 5, resulting from changes in financial assumptions and the financial consequences of change and the need to respond to unavoidable pressures, as introduced in Section 5, detailed in Appendix D of the document and summarised in Appendices G (1) and G (2).
• The level of fees charged to new build schemes by the Housing Development Agency, as detailed in Section 7 of the Housing Revenue Account Medium Term Financial Strategy.
ii. Approved that delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director to be in a position to confirm that the authority can annually renew its investment partner status with Homes England.
of Executive Councillor for Housing (part 2)
iii. Approved proposals for changes in existing housing capital budgets, as introduced in Sections 6 and 7 and detailed in Appendix E of the document, with the resulting position summarised in Appendix H, for decision at Council on 17th October 2019.
Approved the revised funding mix for the
delivery of the Housing Capital Programme, recognising the latest assumptions
for the use of Devolution Grant, Right to Buy Receipts, HRA Resources, Major
Repairs Allowance and the specific use of Section 106 Funding for investment in
affordable housing against the Campkin Road scheme.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Assistant Head of Finance / Business Manager.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
The Committee praised the work of the Revenue and
Benefits team in assisting tenants to negotiate welfare reforms.
Expressed concerns that welfare loans needed to be
repaid in a short time frame.
The Assistant Head of Finance / Business Manager said the
following in response to Members’ questions:
Confirmed that there were a number of unknowns and
some assumptions might change.
Clarified the situation regarding recharging
leaseholders for fire safety work. Decisions would be made on a case by case
basis and consultations would be undertaken.
Confirmed that no significant rental arrears
related to welfare reforms had been noted so far. However, it was difficult to
predict the impact of the full role out of reforms.
Confirmed that support was in place for tenants experiencing
benefit difficulties. It was noted tenants of working age, with fluctuating
working patterns, were experiencing difficulties.
Confirmed that detailed mapping work was on-going
regarding demolition and reprovision of no longer ‘fit for purpose’ stock.
Decisions would always be a balancing act between providing more homes and
maintaining the existing portfolio in good order for the future. The Executive
Councillor for Housing stated that a report was expected early next year
regarding the next 1,000 new homes.
Councillor Porrer
proposed and Councillor Cantrill seconded the following amendment:
In the light of the recent Climate Change Emergency declared by
Cambridge City Council, to redraft this document to prioritise environmental
concerns, in particular focusing on a revised financial strategy taking into
account specific environmentally sustainable solutions to ongoing maintenance
and replacements, including procurement. This would include costing
replacing gas heating with alternative methods in new and refurbished
properties, prioritising and costing the retrofitting of properties with
current Energy Efficiency Ratings of D, E or F and considering the costs of new
homes to meet higher environmental standards. As part of this work,
the estimated reduced costs to tenants of any such improvements in lower
utility bills should be included.
The Strategic
Director (SH) confirmed that the Council was already committed to measures to
replace gas boilers and improve the energy efficient of poorly performing
homes. Redrafting the strategy at this stage would be a major piece of work.
Cantrill stated that a holistic approach was needed. Energy efficiency ratings
were unknown for many properties. Officers could model a higher debt profile to
achieve upgrades for existing homes and higher standards for new properties.
Assistant Head of Finance / Business Manager confirmed
that there was no longer a cap on borrowing but the HRA would need to be able
to sustain the debt from its own revenue stream.
The Strategic
Director (SH) suggested that rather than amend the report, a commitment to
improve the eco performance of council homes be noted and a further report on
this matter be brought to this committee no later than the autumn of 2020.
Councillor Porrer expressed satisfaction
that this would influence the future strategy and was a priority. She withdrew
the proposed amendment.
The Committee resolved by 10
votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations (1.1 and 1.2) of the officer’s
The Committee resolved by 5 votes
to 0 to endorse the recommendation (2.1 and 2.2) of the officer’s report.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.