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19 S/4824/18/VC - Land adjacent to Cambridge North Station, Cowley Road, Cambridge. PDF 328 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee received an application under Section 73 of the Town and
Country Planning Act 1990 to vary Condition 20 (EV charging plan) and Condition
38(approved plans) and remove condition 36 (wayfinding signage) pursuant to
S/4478/17(Erection of building comprising office B1 (a) floorspace
and ancillary ground floor retail (A1/A3) floorspace,
a cycle storage pavilion, associated landscaping, access and a 125 space car
The Committee made the following comments in
response to the report.
Queried the re-design of roof and canopy,
including provision of parapet above canopy; would this would bring additional
height to the building.
Suggested additional tree planting to the north of the development to
ensure that the exact number of trees removed were replaced.
Regretted the loss of a tree on Station
Enquired when the Electric Vehicle charging
points would be installed.
Requested further clarification on the s38
Asked for further information on the fire
Questioned how the wayfinding signage would
be delivered.
In response to Members’ questions the
Principal Planner said the following:
There was a slight reconfiguration of the
roof and canopy; the use of the word re-design gave a different meaning to what
was being proposed when in fact the changes were minimal and there would be no
additional height.
There would be a net loss of one tree on the
development, but the landscape condition would allow further discussion on this
issue through the discharge.
The car parking management plan stated that
prior to 01 August 2028, a permanent cark park should be implemented; this
would include the EV charging points.
The fire strategy would be controlled by the
building regulations.
response to Members’ questions the Associate Director said the following:
The proposals of the EV charging points had
been assessed supported by Environment Health Officers; therefore it was
difficult within the policy framework to go against the technical advice which
they provided.
In the original application there had been
some duplication between the s106 and the conditions imposed on the planning
permission. After a review undertaken by officers and the applicant, it had
been agreed the wayfinding signage is secured under the s106 agreement.
Michael Derbyshire (Applicant’s Agent)
addressed the Committee in support of the application.
At the request of the
Chair, Mr Derbyshire in his address explained the parapet was slightly deeper to
accommodate the green and brown detailing on the roof. Therefore the profile of
the canopy itself was slightly thicker.
As detailed in the
amendment sheet, the following alternative recommendation was proposed.
Due to recent ICT problems last week at
Cambridge City Council there may be potential gaps in email delivery. There could potentially be some further
representations which may not have been received during the period of outage
last week. It is therefore recommended that subject to no additional material
representations arising from any late representations received by Friday 26
April 2019 that final
approval of the application be delegated to the Joint Director of Planning and
Economic Development subject to the conditions contained in the report.
The Committee:
Resolved (unanimously) as agenda with the alternative recommendation
(as above) and condition revisions as set out on the Amendment Sheet.
Officers to consider provision of an
addition tree on the south west frontage through the discharge of condition 9:
landscaping. This is because there is a
net loss of one tree from the originally approved scheme S/2403/17/FL.