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18 Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods PDF 708 KB
The Committee
received a report from the Safer Neighbourhoods Inspector and Safer Communities Team regarding policing
and safer neighbourhoods trends.
The report
outlined actions taken since the last reporting period. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood
trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details).
Previous local issues and engagement activity noted in the report were:
Criminality in and around East Chesterton
County line drug dealing.
Road safety
Members of the public (MOP) and Councillors
asked a number of questions, as set out below.
MOP commented that surgeries with Jess Phillips were appreciated but
understood that these were not going to be continued, DS Emms
was going to look into. Commented that
no data had been included within the police report. Referred to ASB driving in
East Chesterton. Was not happy with the Fen Road CCTV camera as did not think
it was being checked. Had to get rapid response unit in Bramblefields
by the pond because of drug dealing taking place and asked whether this area
was checked.
A regional data system had been adopted and
there were difficulties in producing data sets, the Police did not want to
provide data which was inaccurate. The
CCTV camera on Fen Road was an addition to the City’s network; it was run under
the Huntingdonshire District Council network. It was not a livestream
Councillor Dalzell asked whether there was a
timeline for when data could be produced.
ASB Team to provide response regarding the CCTV camera at Fen Road and
provision of data.
Action: DS Emms to look into whether surgeries
with Jess Phillips were going to be continued.
Action: The Chair to write to Police and Crime
Commissioner to express dissatisfaction regarding not being able to get crime
data for the North Area.
MOP commented on the proposed move of Parkside
police station to an edge of centre location.
Commented that the
proposed site for the relocation of the police station would make it easier for
officers to get to Arbury and Kings Hedges and may mean that residents saw
police officers more often. There would still be a police presence in the city
centre but could not say where this would be or when the move would take place.
The current building was not fit for purpose as it was built in 1967.
MOP commented that they did not see Police Officers
on the streets and they wanted to see them on the streets. Asked if the Police had contact with Network
Rail which had good CCTV cameras.
Had spoken with Network Rail, the point of
their CCTV cameras was for the prevention of crime on the railway. They needed
to work through the issues with the Fen Road CCTV camera so that it was
effective. Was confident that police
officers were in the right places, they did not always have the resources to
have officers on the streets.
Councillor Richards commented about drugs being
found on the streets and children (care leavers) going missing.
Operation Carmel was for street based drug
dealing and had been successful with ‘cuckooing’ but this had moved drug
dealing on to the streets. 2 week operations involved foot patrols and speaking
with residents, overt and covert operations and trying to catch drug dealers in
the act.
Councillor Manning referred to the management and
running of Midsummer Fair and noted the frustration around the CCTV was not due
to the police but to the city council.
Councillor Dalzell commented that street based drug
dealing needed to be made as unprofitable as possible.
Commented that some funding was available
from a Proceeds of Crime fund to try and divert young people away from crime.
MOP referred to designing out crime in the planning
Noted that
designing out crime referred to architectural design and not social design.
Referred residents to report issues to:
MOP referred to ASB in the garage area at Ferrars Way.
MOP referred to a kebab van parked at Hanson Court,
which used to be parked outside St Lawrence’s school. Noted that people smoked
substances around this area.
Councillor Scutt referred to an issue that she had
been dealing with at McManus Estate.
The Committee were asked to nominate their
local issues for focus over the coming months.
The following local issues were agreed (unanimously):
1. ASB and dangerous driving on Fen Road
2. Street based drug dealing
3. Youth
and knife crime