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Presentation by County Council Officer on County Lines Issues

Meeting: 07/03/2019 - North Area Committee (Item 8)

8 Presentation by County Council Officer on County Lines issues pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Committee received an oral presentation from Dave Sargent of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board. Details of the presentation can be found at:




Members of the public made the following comments in response to the presentation:

     i.        There was a gang of children in the Lion Yard around 7pm who were making a lot of noise. They weren’t sure who to report the matter to.

    ii.        Asked when a county line was removed, how long would it take to be replaced.

   iii.        Commented that in order to reduce the county line problem, the profit that could be made from the sale of drugs needed to be removed.

  iv.        Asked whether any pressure was put on other Department’s at the County Council. 


Dave Sargent responded to questions as follows:

i.             The anti-social behaviour (ASB) at the Lion Yard could be reported to the Police via: https://www.cambs.police.uk/report/Report. They could also look at CCTV images. Car parks were causing concern at the moment for ASB.

ii.            Currently there were about 4 dedicated lines; the line was usually named after the person who set it up. In terms of replacement of a county line, the individuals who were reliant on the line need to be considered as they could look for alternative ways to purchase drugs. Children who are involved in a county line can be used to a certain lifestyle (e.g.: alcohol and drugs) and measures needed to be in place to support them when they were removed from a county line. Schools needed to be given enough information so that they can spot any warning signs. Vulnerable adults also needed to be supported.

iii.           The Local Safeguarding Children’s Board acted as a ‘critical friend’ to other Departments at the County Council. He spent a lot of time working with the Community Safety Partnerships. He tried to ensure that abandoned vehicles were removed within 8 hours.