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Updates on Cambridge Biomedical Campus Transport Study and Related Projects

Meeting: 10/09/2018 - South Area Committee (Item 34)

Updates on Cambridge Biomedical Campus Transport Study and Related Projects

Start time 21:00


·       Peter Blake, Transport Director, Greater Cambridge Partnership

·       Jeremy Smith, Group Manager: Transport Strategy and Funding, Cambridgeshire County Council

·       Representative from Cambridge Biomedical Campus


This will be followed by an opportunity for questions from members of the public and South Area Committee.



Meeting ends: 10:00pm


The Committee received an update on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus Transport Study and related projects from officers of the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP), Cambridge University Hospitals and Astrazeneca 


Jeremy Smith (GCP) outlined:

i.             The Biomedical Campus did a comprehensive travel survey every year.

ii.            30% of staff travelled by car, 70% used other modes of transport (of the 70% who used other modes of transport, 33% of staff cycled), patients tended to travel by car.

iii.           GCP looked to feed into the work that the Mayor was doing on the Cambridge South rail station.

iv.          He was aware of car parking issues and people parking on streets around the campus.

v.           Cycle parking was in high demand.


Peter Blake (GCP) outlined:

i.     Cambridge South East Transport Study, the project will be considered by the GCP Board in the near future to consider if an off-road solution was required.

ii.    Looking at city access and traffic signal movements to make it easier to move around the city.

iii.  Planning to bring a report in December on how bus services could be improved to make them more reliable and regular.

iv.  Residents parking issues, working with the County Council so can manage traffic and work with residents.


Katharine Smith (Cambridge University Hospitals) outlined:

i.             There were significant restrictions on staff parking to encourage staff to travel more sustainably.

ii.            There were over 3000 cycle parking spaces on site and a further 239 were going to be provided during September.

iii.           In the process of drafting a transport strategy.

iv.          They were reviewing opportunities for a shuttle service.

v.           They were mapping where staff lived to see where gaps in transport provision existed.

vi.          Discounted cycle purchase and season ticket loans were offered to employees.


Stephen Boni (AstraZeneca) outlined:

          i.             Had launched an employee travel policy called ‘My travel’ to reduce reliance on single occupancy cars and the demand for car parking.

         ii.             Wanted employees to be within 5 miles of a ‘travel hub’. 


The Committee discussed the following issues:

i.          In relation to Cambridge South Station, expressed frustration that there was a lot of discussion about the big picture but not a lot about the small stuff. Also commented that Ward Councillors were not being kept informed about the project and asked how a dialogue could be developed so issues can be addressed early for example with the guided busway and lighting it would have been easier to have had discussions before the development was undertaken as its harder to get lighting put in after construction.

ii.             Commented that people can travel by more than one form of transport and also commented that in providing good routes into Addenbrooks it would be useful if there could be more stops before buses get into the Biomedical Campus.


In response to members’ questions Jeremy Smith confirmed:

i.             Agreed it was better to get things (like lighting) designed in than trying to retrofit.

ii.             Agreed that more stops needed to be considered.


Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below.

i.      Asked whether the transport strategy was the same as the travel plan and if so when would it be adopted.

ii.     Commented that Cambridge South Station was a long walk from many of the buildings.

iii.    Commented that a lot of people who park in the park and ride, cycle to Addenbrooks and asked whether this had been captured in the statistics.

iv.    Commented that the route between Astrazeneca and Papworth was closed and asked when this would be open.

v.        Commented that big transport schemes took a long time to deliver but there were some quick wins which could be delivered which would get an extra 5-10% walking and cycling

vi.       Asked whether there would be enough room for the elderly and sick to park

vii.     Commented that the Addenbrooks roundabout had been redesigned and one of the pavements always flooded which meant that cyclists and pedestrians were unable to use it which rendered the roundabout useless.


In response to the public’s questions Katharine Smith said the following:

i.             The transport strategy was the same as the travel plan and there was a meeting the week after the Area Committee meeting to consider it.  The plan contained ambitious targets and there was a 5 year implementation plan.

ii.             There was an existing courtesy bus however Cambridge University Hospital was looking to see whether this service needed to be extended as there could be a link to provide a timely service to drop off patients and staff.

iii.             The travel survey would ask whether people walked and cycled and whether that was their main mode of transportation.

iv.             The pedestrian link would be open in October as there was further development needed; it was likely to be fully open in Spring 2019.

v.             Funds were being collated to deliver quick win transport solutions.

vi.             There would always be spaces available for patients and visitors who have greatest need.

vii.             Would look into the flooding issue at the roundabout.