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40 Homelessness Prevention Grants to Agencies PDF 564 KB
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This item was
chaired by Councillor Mike Todd-Jones
Matter for Decision
The report sought approval for the programme of grant funding to organisations providing homelessness prevention services for 2019/20.
of Executive Councilor for Housing
Agreed, subject to any changes that may be made as part of the budget
setting process and the formal adoption of the 2019/20 budget by Council, the
proposed grant funding allocations as outlined in appendix1 of the Officer’s
Agreed to delegated authority for the Head of Housing, in consultation
with the Executive Councillor for Housing, to use the unallocated portion of
the grant to support ad-hoc in-year awards to projects or other activities
meeting the purposes listed in the Homelessness Strategy Action Plan.
Agreed to delegated authority for the Head of Housing, in consultation
with the Executive Councillor for Housing, to reallocate funds in the event that an
organisation is unable to deliver the service.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations
The Committee received a report from the Housing Service Manager. The report referred to the programme of grant funding to organisations providing homelessness prevention services.
In response to comments from the Committee, the Housing Service Manager said the following:
i. Cambridge Woman’s Aid had not received the full amount of funding as their financial status was deemed healthy. Also increased homelessness prevention advice was being carried out by the Council as a result of the Homelessness Reduction Act.
ii. Confirmed that all organisations were advised of the funding that the Executive Councillor was minded to make before being presented for scrutiny at Committee.
iii. Hope into Action worked with those individuals who had been living on the streets for a long period of time and were resistant to help. The approach was to deal with their personal difficulties and the impact on their behaviour.
The Committee unanimously
resolved to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations.