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General Item - NW Quadrant Temporary Retail Signage Guidance

Meeting: 18/07/2018 - Joint Development Control Committee - Cambridge Fringes (Item 25)

25 General Item - NW Quadrant Temporary Retail Signage Guidance pdf icon PDF 21 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a request to endorse the North West Quadrant – Temporary Signage, Informal Guidance Note.


The application sought approval for the Temporary Retail Signage – Informal Guidance note which had been produced to complement existing marketing signage guidance for the Cambridge Fringe Sites.


The Committee welcomed the report and were pleased to note that off-site signage had also been included in the Guidance.


Officers confirmed that illuminated signage would not be acceptable.


The Committee welcomed the clarity over the status of signage once the construction phase was completed. Once building work was completed and businesses and residential units were occupied, signage should be removed.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved: To endorse the North West Quadrant – Temporary Signage, Informal Guidance Note.