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S/1000/18/DC - Land North of Newmarket Road

Meeting: 20/06/2018 - Joint Development Control Committee - Cambridge Fringes (Item 18)

18 S/1000/18/DC - Land North of Newmarket Road pdf icon PDF 81 KB

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The Committee received an application for the Discharge of Condition 8 (Site wide design code) of planning permission S/2682/13/OL.


Jamie Wilding, Head of Development at Hill, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Committee agreed to consider the Design Code section by section.


In response to Members’ questions the Delivery Manager (Strategic Sites) and Principal Officer stated the following:



     i.        Feedback regarding new sites around Cambridge had indicated that people would like to see more pitched roofs in new developments. To add to the character of the Wing development a predominance of  pitched roofs is proposed in the design code.

    ii.        The built forms would allow the different areas of the development to have their own character.

   iii.        There was no policy requirement to provide senior living accommodation on the site. However, the Design Code does not preclude it. The emerging National Planning Policy Framework would consider a range of tenures.

  iv.        Sustainability, climate change and future proofing of properties are dealt with by other policies but would be considered in the detailed application at a later date. 

   v.        Agreed that an additional statement would be added to the Vision Statement of the Design Code regarding sustainability and respect for the environment. Wording to be agreed in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and County Council Spokesperson.



Land Use

  vi.        A ‘fabric first’ approach to construction was proposed rather than orientating the street layout towards maximum sunlight. It was hoped that this would produce long term energy efficiency.

 vii.        The allotment club house would offer storage, toilet and hand washing facilities. It was recognised that allotment holders would be also be likely to erect sheds. 


Movement and Access

viii.        Agreed that the text be amended so that the number of cycle spaces must reflect the number of bedrooms for the larger dwellings.

  ix.        Confirmed that, whilst under existing policy guidance, it would not be possible to require an electric car charging point for every dwelling the text could be amended as follows (struck through text replaced with word in bold):

Public and private car charging points should be considered included when designing streets and building.

   x.        Suggested that the details regarding the number of Car Club parking spaces would be agreed at a later date.

  xi.        Confirmed that vehicle access to the Car Showrooms would remain unchanged until the alternative provision was delivered. The functioning of the westernmost access into the showroom area was considered acceptable in the applications for the new showrooms and the level of vehciles using it will have decreased following the removal of the aircraft design office.


Urban Design Principles

 xii.        Confirmed that the development would have different build forms and use of materials to create a sense of place.



xiii.        Confirmed that although a range of materials would be used across the development, traditional brick construction would be the dominant feature. This could be discussed in more detail at a later date.


Landscape and Open Spaces

xiv.        The frontage to Newmarket Road would be an attractive and vibrant mixed use streetscape.

xv.        Inconsistencies in references to Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) provision in respect of Beta Square on Page 63 and Page 87 would be amended and cross referenced.

xvi.        Agreed an amendment to the text on Page53 regarding play equipment to incorporate a commitment to ‘inclusive play equipment’.


Character Areas

No comments



xvii.        Confirmed that the following report would look at the phasing of delivery in more detail.


Members of the Committee suggested that the visuals in the Design Code needed to reflect the diverse community of Cambridge.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 14 votes to 0 with 1 abstentions) to grant the application Discharge of Condition 8 (Site wide design code) in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to the amendments as agreed by Committee as outlined above to the design code document (to be agreed by Chair and Vice Chair).