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18/0002/FUL - Romsey Labour Club, Mill Road

Meeting: 28/03/2018 - Planning (Item 61)

61 18/0002/FUL - Romsey Labour Club, Mill Road pdf icon PDF 384 KB


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for Mixed use development comprising a Day Nursery at ground floor and 37 self-contained 1xbed student rooms at the rear and on the upper floors along with a vehicle drop-off zone, disabled car parking space,

cycle parking and associated landscaping.


The Committee received a representation in objection to the application from a local resident.


The representation covered the following issues:

     i.        There had been 102 letters of objection, Past Present and Future had objected to the application and 60 residents had signed a petition for refusal of the application.

    ii.        The Council had not received any letters of support for the whole proposal.

   iii.        The unique façade of the existing building was part of Cambridge’s working class history.

  iv.        The existing building currently provided facilities for the Tsunami Recreational Club; the proposed development would result in the loss of recreational facilities.

   v.        The existing building was a building of interest and any alterations should be carried out in a sympathetic manner.

  vi.        The development was not welcomed by the community.

 vii.        The application was contrary to the local plan.

viii.        Requested that the Committee refused the application.


Councillor Baigent (Romsey Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee about the application and raised the following points:

       i.       Commented that working men had built the existing building.

     ii.       Advice on this application contradicted advice given on the previous planning application heard by the Planning Committee (Mill Road Depot application).

    iii.       Commented that there were a lot of houses in Romsey ward that had been converted into student accommodation, the area did not need any further student accommodation.

   iv.       There were four significant buildings at the Romsey Road, Coleridge Road and Mill Road junction one of which was the Romsey Labour Club. These buildings provided a picture of what the area was like over 100 years ago.

     v.       This was the first building in the Conservation Area and was a key site and was the sole of Romsey ward area.

   vi.       Once the building was gone it was irreplaceable.


Colin Brown (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Committee:


Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the officers and a s106 agreement.