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17/1838/FUL - 40 Grantchester Road

Meeting: 07/02/2018 - Planning (Item 39)

39 17/1838/FUL - 40 Grantchester Road pdf icon PDF 57 KB


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for the erection of a single storey

extension to the side and rear.


The Senior Planner updated her report by referring to details on the amendment sheet:


Pre-Committee Amendments to Recommendation:


Due to the proximity of the proposal to the boundary, I consider that the following condition limiting construction hours should be attached.


No construction work or demolition work shall be carried out or plant operated other than between the following hours: 0800 hours and 1800 hours on Monday to Friday, 0800 hours and 1300 hours on Saturday and at no time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays.


Reason: To protect the amenity of the adjoining properties. (Cambridge Local Plan 2006 policy 4/13)


The Committee received a representation in objection to the application from a resident of Grantchester Road.


The representation covered the following issues:

       i.          Expressed concern that the extra build extended almost up to the boundary.

     ii.          Said the Case Officer confirmed in her report that the relationship between the two dwellings was very tight.

   iii.          Expressed concern about:

a.    Being in a tunnel effect and related sense of enclosure.

b.    Siting.

c.    Mass.

d.    Unattractive design.

   iv.          Suggested the development did not meet Local Plan policies 3/14 (visual dominance), 3/1 (sustainable development), 3/11 (design of external spaces) and 3/4 (responding to context).


The Chair read a statement submitted by the Applicant’s Agent who was unable to attend the Committee. The Agent’s statement supported the application.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 7 votes to 0) to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the officers.