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27 Arbury Court Local Centre Improvements PDF 790 KB
Matter for
The Officer’s
report detailed the development, proposed improvements and completed
consultation for Arbury Court Local Centre Project.
The scheme
involved soft and hard landscaping, upgraded crossing point across Arbury Road,
improved lighting and public realm in and around Arbury Court. The City Council
part of the project has been developed as part of the Local Centres Improvement
Programme, for which approval was granted by the Executive Councillor for City
Centre and Public Places in October 2014, to improve two local centres (Cherry
Hinton High Street and Arbury Court) with a third to be determined.
of Executive Councillor for Streets and Open Spaces
Noted the results of public
consultation on improvements to Arbury Court as set out in Appendix A of the
Officer’s report.
Noted that the scheme was being
proposed for funding through the Mid-Year Financial Review (MYFR), following
Capital Programme Board approval 04/07/2017.
Supported the proposed
improvements to Arbury Court Local Centre as illustratively set out in Appendix
B of the Officer’s report for further development and implementation.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Project Officer.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Expressed concern that opening up Arbury Court (eg removing planters) may lead to safety concerns if cyclists
used it as a thoroughfare, which may result in collisions with pedestrians.
Sought clarification on the type of trees proposed
for the area, their suitability and impact on residents’ light levels.
The Project Officer said the following in response to Members’ questions:
Trees were chosen to ensure they had appropriate
height/foliage so they had the least impact on residents’ light.
Planters were removed as they were a maintenance
issue, in need of refurbishment and to fit in with a modern urban design.
Trees would act as discreet barriers to prevent the
court becoming a cyclist thoroughfare. Some drop bollards would be in place
too. Cyclists currently passed through and only irresponsible ones caused a
danger to the pedestrianized area, so the new proposal should not worsen
residents’ safety. Physical barriers to
improve safety for pedestrians against irresponsible cyclists would be
extensive and very intrusive on the space.
The amount of cycle parking facilities was not
being reduced, the parking bays were being moved to the edges of the Court
(from the middle) to discourage cycling in the Court. The number of useable
cycle parking bays would increase overall.
Following concerns raised in consultation feedback
an improved seating area was proposed nearer Arbury Road, outside the Library
and Gurdwara, rather than the central square of
Arbury Court. A number of the seats would have arms.
Undertook to review seat location with the designer
to determine if seats could be located to act as discreet barriers to
discourage high speed cycling in the Court.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.