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Cycleways Capital Programme

Meeting: 03/10/2017 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 31)

31 Cycleways Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 459 KB

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Matter for Decision

To consider the principle achievements of the Cycleways Capital Programme since it was last considered by Environment Scrutiny Committee in October 2014; along with forward investment proposals for the 2017-18 and 2018-19 years.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning Policy & Transport

             i.        Noted the progress and achievements of the Cycleways Capital Programme (PV007).

            ii.        Supported the expenditure of capital funds up to 2019 as outlined in the Officer’s report.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Project Manager, Environment, which referred to the City Council’s joint working with Cambridgeshire County Council on developing and promoting cycling. The work included the introduction of new facilities and the improvement of existing facilities used by cyclists. 


The Project Manager and Cycling Officer said the following in response to Members’ questions:

     i.        There had been an under spend in the capital cost which had been rephased in to this financial year, in addition to the budget, therefore there was additional funds to be spent.

    ii.        The bulk of Cambridgeshire County Council’s spending on cycling was now funded through the Greater Cambridge Partnership. This allowed projects that had previously been postponed to take place in partnership working with the City Council such as the work to Cherry Hinton high street.

   iii.        The County Council had completed the first phase of the Arbury Road cycling corridor with the second phase due to start.

  iv.        The County Council were also completing Hills Road and Trumpington Road.

   v.        A small proportion of the annual budget was allocated for minor schemes which might include follow up work on completed projects if required following the standard review process.

  vi.        Noted the comments regarding safety on the Green Dragon Bridge. The restriction of the space available had proved difficult to make further adaptations so improvements had been made to visibility. Further funding could be considered if required.

 vii.        The installation of a new bridge proposed further up the river from the Green Dragon Bridge should reduce the volume of cyclists.

viii.        As schemes were developed, dedicated Officer resources were allocated to scrutinise the proposals whether they were led by City or the County Council to ensure that they met the same standards.

  ix.        Noted the safety concerns to cyclists at the double roundabouts by the Royal Cambridge Hotel. There had not been a viable solution agreed over the years on the best solution to this problem. This matter would be considered by the Greater Cambridge Partnership.

   x.        Two thirds of the commitment to install 1000 cycle parking spaces had been met. However no agreement had been reached with the magistrate courts to give permission for access to the proposed remaining spaces.

  xi.        The proposal to install further bike parks would be investigated by the Greater Cambridge Partnership as part of the City access plan.

 xii.        The installation of the solar studs on Midsummer Common had been County Council lead and could not comment on the consultation (if any) that took place.


The Committee resolved (unanimously) to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)


No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.