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19 Annual Report on Single Shared Waste Service (SSWS) PDF 165 KB
Additional documents:
Matter for Decision
To note the shared
waste draft annual report 2016/17.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Environmental Services and City
Noted the report.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations
The Committee received a report from the Interim
Head of Single Shared Waste Service which provided a background to the creation
of the service in 2014 and how had it had since developed.
The Interim Head of Single Shared Waste Service acknowledged there were crews who were on different terms and conditions. It had been said that the terms and conditions of South Cambridgeshire District Council had more advantages for staff and City Council were welcome to transfer over.
The Committee and the Executive Councillor noted the report.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest were declared by the
Executive Councillor.