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Home > Council and Democracy > Issue
25 Public Spaces Protection Order For Dog Control in Cambridge PDF 392 KB
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Matter for
This report considered the
statutory consultation exercise conducted by the Council during October and
November, 2016 (stage 1), and April, 2017 (stage 2), in relation to the
proposal to introduce a Public Spaces Protection Order (‘PSPO’) in respect of
dog control (including dog fouling, dog exclusion and dogs on leads
requirements) within Cambridge. As a result of the responses to consultation and
main substantive issues raised, a number of changes to the text of the draft
PSPO as consulted upon were proposed.
The reason for putting forward the PSPO was to address the detrimental
effect on the quality of life of those in the locality caused by the
irresponsible behaviour of a small minority of dog owners and to set out a
clear standard of behaviour to which all dog owners are required to adhere.
of Executive Councillor for Strategy and
Approved the proposed
PSPO, as set out in Appendix A.
Approved the area of the PSPO, as indicated in the
maps at Appendix B.
Delegated to officers’ the authority to install
signage appropriate to the PSPO.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a
report from the Operational Manager, Community Engagement and Enforcement.
This item was not requested for pre-scrutiny.