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16 Building Stronger Communities: Community Centres Strategy PDF 267 KB
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In October 2015, the Executive Councillor for Communities, Arts &
Recreation made a decision to undertake a strategic review of community
provision. A full review was undertaken, including: an audit of existing
facilities provided by a wide range of organisations; mapping of access to
facilities across the city and analysis of where the greatest needs for
community support exist.
In January 2017, the Executive Councillor for Communities approved a
draft community centres strategy for consultation with stakeholders and the
wider community on the draft proposals. This strategy set out to deliver a
programme of support with the overarching theme of ‘Building Stronger
The Officer’s report considered the results of that consultation
exercise and set out actions to be carried out in pursuit of the strategy.
The Council would use the Building Stronger Communities Strategy and the
data collected throughout this review, to inform future considerations for
Section 106 / CIL funding.
of Executive Councillor for Communities
The Executive Councillor agreed to:
Adopt the proposals relating to
six centres as set out in the draft strategy, as follows:
2.1.1 Ross
Street Community Centre – seek to lease the centre to a voluntary organisation,
with an agreement to safeguard community use. If a suitable organisation cannot
be found the Council will retain management of the centre. In order to deliver
this proposal a delegation is proposed at 2.4.
2.1.2 Nun’s
Way Pavilion – explore options for a suitable alternative community space,
keeping the centre operational in the meantime. Once alternative space is found
options for leasing the pavilion to a voluntary organisation will be explored.
If none are viable, then the pavilion could be used for sports use only.
2.1.3 37
Lawrence Way - explore options for a suitable alternative community space,
keeping the centre operational in the meantime. Once alternative community
space is found the premises will be returned to Council housing stock.
2.1.4 82
Akeman Street - replace the community space as part of the proposed new housing
project in this location in consultation with the community.
2.1.5 Brownsfield Youth & Community Centre - retain as a
Council managed community centre, ensuring community access.
2.1.6 Trumpington Pavilion - continue to work with Trumpington Resident’s Association towards greater
sustainability and independence.
Modify the proposals set out in
the draft strategy for two centres, as follows:
· 2.2.1 The Meadows Community Centre and Buchan
Street Neighbourhood Centre – approve the completion of a full feasibility
study for both centres, to explore with local groups, partners and centre users
whether it is possible to deliver the community hub at the Meadows and to
further explore options for Buchan Street. This feasibility work will need to consider:
§ practical
development constraints, planning issues and financial feasibility;
§ detailed analysis of
current uses of both centres and potential future partnership arrangements.
Adopt the proposals as originally outlined in relation
to meeting identified needs where there are gaps in provision
2.3.1 Abbey - continue to support County
Council led work on redevelopment of a new centre on the East Barnwell
Community Centre site.
2.3.2 Queen Edith’s - explore opportunities to
work with existing facility providers in the north of the ward.
2.3.3 East Chesterton - explore opportunities
in the north of the ward for new facility provision through growth.
2.3.4 Cherry Hinton - support the development
of a community hub in Cherry Hinton Library with local partners, with the
proviso that the County Council continue library services there and a
sustainable management solution is found.
Delegate the authority to deliver
the proposals as required.
· 2.4.1 Ross
Street: Approve delegated authority
to the Strategic Director following consultation with the Executive Councillor,
Chair and Spokes to approve the selection process for a voluntary organisation
to take on the management of Ross Street Community Centre (including community
use requirements) and to approve the selection of a voluntary organisation in
accordance with this process.
Report back to the Committee on
progress with delivering the strategy, as described in the actions set out in
Section 5 of the Officer’s report.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Community Funding &
Development Manager.
Councillor Gillespie made the following comments in response to the
People had expressed frustration they could not say
all they wanted in the consultation. This put some off. Future consultations
should be braver in seeking information in future.
There should have been a specific question asking
if more facilities were required.
The Community Funding & Development Manager said the following in
response to Members’ questions:
People had lots of opportunities to comment on
community facilities such as email and face-to-face. This was in addition to
the consultation. Officers encouraged people to respond as much as possible.
The last consultation question was open to allow any other business.
The aim of the consultation was to align resources
with areas of high need and include the voluntary sector in the delivery.
Results suggested that people valued existing
facilities and there was not high demand for new ones. There was not a specific
question asking this as the consultation did not wish to encourage demand for a
service the City Council could not deliver due to lack of resources.
Officers were working with the Web Team to produce
an interactive map of facilities availability/location. This would be
advertised when ready. Information ownership and management to ensure it was up
to date would be looked at in future. Open data was another future
Market was not identified as an area of high need
for community facilities before or during the consultation, but Petersfield
Ross Street was identified as a valued facility.
Management criteria would ensure the voluntary sector had the capacity to
deliver or the City Council would retain management responsibility.
Organisations could apply to become community
facilities if they wished. Officers would review to ensure they did not compete
with each other.
The Committee resolved by 7 votes to 0 to
endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.