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16/1171/FUL - City of Cambridge Boathouse, Kimberley Road

Meeting: 30/11/2016 - Planning (Item 190)

190 16/1171/FUL - City of Cambridge Boathouse, Kimberley Road pdf icon PDF 155 KB


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for the demolition of the existing boathouse and its replacement with a new boathouse.


The Committee:


Resolved (by 7 votes to 0) to defer the application for planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation as set out in the planning amendment sheet.


This is because a neighbour has requested a daylight and sunlight study be conducted for the new dwelling approved under planning permission reference 15/1710/FUL on the land behind 89-91 De Freville Avenue.  The applicants have agreed to commission this work.  A deferral will allow time for the study to be conducted and the relevant neighbours’ be consulted, prior to the application being determined.  The neighbour has also asked that members of Planning Committee visit the site of the approved dwelling.  The deferral will also allow such a visit to be organised to give Planning Committee this opportunity.