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38 Palmer's Walk Consultation PDF 811 KB
The Committee received a report presented by the Senior Assets
Development Officer for Streets and Open Spaces setting out the background to
and the feedback from the consultation on the proposal to widen the pathway
alongside Petersfield Mansions known as Palmers
Walk. This had been raised some years
ago, and a further consultation had been undertaken recently. Two residents had also canvassed opinion on
whether a cycling ban should be imposed along Palmers Walk. It was noted that EAC would not be making any
decision on the matter; the decision would be made by the Cycling and
Pedestrian Steering Group at its meeting on 9th February 2017.
In the course of discussion, Committee members
pointed out that 58% of respondents had
supported maintaining the current width of the path, so there was not a
majority in favour of widening it
queried whether a ban
on cycling would be practicable, and who would be responsible for enforcing
it. The Assets Development Officer said
that enforcement was difficult in the absence of a byelaw or traffic regulation
order (TRO).
commented that cyclists
were likely to ride on the path whether it were permitted or not. Instead, measures to make it safer for the
residents of Petersfield Mansions to leave the
building should be considered, such as widening the path and putting in railings
for about 30cm beyond the steps to stop cyclists riding too close to the
steps. EAC should confirm to the working
party that it considered safety to be the priority in any scheme for Palmers
One of the residents who had requested the consultation said
that any widening of the path would encourage people to go faster; they had an
engineer’s diagram showing that a wider path would enable two-way cycling. Using Palmers Walk gave a very short route
saving, and there was no need to cycle it.
Since starting the campaign to reduce riding, there had been a
noticeable increase in the number of people pushing instead of riding bicycles.
One of the petition organisers disputed the suggestion that
they had been coercive when gathering signatures; they had simply wanted to
widen access to the consultation exercise for elderly and infirm residents of Bradmore Court. The
Assets Development Officer said that no offence had been intended by the
comment in the report; he had simply wanted to point out that time could be
taken to consider the response to a consultation document through the
letterbox, whereas a request to sign a petition needed an immediate
answer. There had been a 20% response
rate to the consultation document from Bradmore Court
residents, which was a not uncommon rate of return.
The Chair confirmed that the comments made would be reported
to the Assets Development Officer so that he could share them with the Cycling
and Pedestrian Steering Group.
Action: Anthony French