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Annual Review of Licensing Fees & Charges 2017/18

Meeting: 30/01/2017 - Licensing Committee (Item 57)

57 Annual Review of Licensing Fees & Charges 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 258 KB

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Question from member of the public.


Mr Wratten responded to the report and made the following comments:

     i.        Had made formal representation within the consultation period.

    ii.        Questioned why the increase in charges to drivers was so large.

   iii.        Annual increases had been agreed three years ago. However, this increase was considerable above the current inflation figure.

  iv.        The annual charge for a taxi badge would increase from £152 to £220.

   v.        At the same time the rise in fares had been restricted to 1%.

  vi.        Administration processes do not appear to have changed.

 vii.        The cost of vehicle checks also appears excessive for a process that was very quick.


The Environemental Health Manager responded:

     i.        Full consultation on the changes had been carried out.

    ii.        The change to the charges reflected the true cost of providing the service.


Mr Wratten responded as follows:

     i.        The increase is excessive and the service received had not changed.

    ii.        Drivers had reported that the time taken to administer services had not increased and if anything, was taking less time.

   iii.        Some of the work being undertaken was very straightforward and an increase of 15% was unfair.


The Committee received a report from the Environmental Health Manager regarding the level of fees and charges with effect from 1st April 2017, as set out in Appendix A of the Officer’s report, and to request officers to communicate the charges to the businesses, taxi trade and public.


The Committee then debated the Officer’s report. The Committee made the following comments:

     i.        Supported a move towards  a more accurate charging process.

    ii.        Confirmed that the council should not be making a profit from, or be subsiding, the provision of the service.

   iii.        Confirmed that costs included other services such as, enforcement, training and administration of the forums.

  iv.        Stated that the council could not afford to make a loss on this service.

   v.        Had some sympathy with the trade who would experience a large increase in charges.

  vi.        Suggested that this level of increase was likely to be a one off, catch up process.


The Committee:


Resolved (unanimously)


To approve the level of fees and charges with effect from 1st April 2017, as set out in Appendix A of the Officer’s report, and to request officers to communicate the charges to the businesses, taxi trade and public.