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Update on Chisholm Trail and Abbey/Chesterton Bridge
Mike Davies (Cambridgeshire County Council Project Officer) and Noel Kavanagh (Chair Local Liaison Forum: Chisholm Trail / Abbey Chesterton Bridge) will give an update on the project and discussion at the Local Liaison Forum held on 5th September.
The Committee received an update from Mike Davies (Cambridgeshire County Council Project Officer) and Noel Kavanagh (Chair Local Liaison Forum regarding the Chisholm Trail / Abbey Chesterton Bridge.
Mike Davies presented the following:
a. Gave an overview of the history of the project.
b. Stated that the agreed bridge design was a hybrid of the most popular elements of the three original designs.
c. The bridge would be as close to the existing railway bridge as Network Rail would allow.
d. Construction was expected to begin in the Spring of 2017 with a completion target of Spring 2018.
e. The planning application would be discussed at a Development Control Forum on the 10th October and then at the Joint Development Control Forum in November.
f. The bridge project linked to the Chisholm Trail project and the timeline for this was outlined.
g. A phased approach was planned.
h. Discussions were on-going with the City Deal Board.
i. Issues needed careful consideration included: ecology, flood concerns, road closures required for the underpass, archaeological concerns and commons consent.
Noel Kavanagh stated the following:
a. The Local Liaison Forum had met twice.
b. Interest in the project was growing.
c. Public were supportive of the project and could see the benefits.
d. Procurement was underway with six possible contractors.
e. The contractor would need experience at delivering projects on sensitive sites.
f. Some stretches of the proposed route were dependant on future development and work would be phased to accommodate this.
Noel Kavanagh and Mike Davies invited questions for the Committee and members of the public.
Q1. Member of the
Public: Where can further information be found?
A. Full detail can be found on the County Council website.
Q2. Councillor
Onasanya: Was closing Newmarket Road for a weekend long enough to allow for the
installation of an underpass?
A. The contractors had given an assurance that 24 hours was sufficient. However, a contingency plan would allowed slightly longer.
Q3. Richard Taylor: The
public had been promised clear information on the project page regarding key
meetings, however, information was still hard to find.
A. It was hoped that all dates would be on one calendar very soon.
Q3. Leila Dockerill: The Leper Chapel is a sensitive site. Would the
project cause any damage?
A. Cambridge Past Present and Future had been fully engaged in the project. Trial holes would be bored soon. Sensitivity to this site would be part of the procurement brief.
Councillor Manning stated that Cambridge Past Present and Future had praised the County Council for the level of consultation on the project.
Q4. Michael Bond: The
public had not been given sufficient notice regarding the Local Liaison Forum
meeting and finding details on-line was difficult.
A. Posters were displayed and 45 people attended the meeting.