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96 Review of Governance Arrangements for Clay Farm Community Centre PDF 151 KB
Matter for
The Clay Farm Centre is currently being constructed in the new housing
developments in the south of the city. The governance arrangements for the
centre primarily affect Trumpington Ward; however due
to the scale of the centre and its multi-agency stakeholder features, it has a
wider catchment. Both principal stakeholders (the City and County Councils)
together with the Clay Farm Centre Company Limited (the joint venture company -
referred to as ‘the JVC’- established by the Councils to manage the centre) now
believe the governance structure is more complicated than it needs to be and
adds costs through taxation issues. As a result, the stakeholders wish to
revise the governance arrangements put in place in 2014.
of Executive Councillor for Communities
Agreed that the City and County
Councils work together to dissolve the JVC and formulate a new Partnering
Agreement for the governance of the community centre
that replaces the 2014 Collaboration Agreement.
Agreed that this new Partnering
Agreement will establish an advisory group to provide community and democratic
oversight of the centre management. This will incorporate elected members.
Agreed that the detail of
recommendations (i) & (ii) is worked through
between the City and County Councils and the Directors of the Joint Venture
Company. Once agreement is reached, authority to enter into the new arrangement
on behalf of the City Council is delegated to a Strategic Director in
consultation with the Executive Councillor for Communities, the Chair of
Community Services Scrutiny Committee and the Opposition Spokesperson.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Head of Community Services.
The Head of Community Services said the following in response to
Members’ questions:
The City Council had set up various arms length management organisations. It had learnt from
each experience and the joint venture company had developed from this.
Clay Farm construction work had recommenced after a
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.