Council and democracy
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130 16/0405/FUL - Christs College, St Andrews Street PDF 262 KB
The Committee received an application for
full planning permission.
The application
sought approval for a new library (1539 sq m),
the enclosure of Library Court (201 sq m) and the provision
of bridge access between the first floor of the new library and the South Range
and Bodley Library. Internal and external alterations
to Bodley Library and South Range (Staircase G and
Guest Suite) and the South Elevation of South Range between First Court and
Library Court. Involved the demolition of the existing
library (809 sq m).
Committee noted the amendment sheet and the history of planning applications
for this site. A site visit had also taken place.
The Committee received a representation in objection to the application
from a local resident.
The representation covered the following issues:
Design and conservation concerns.
Many objectors unable to attend today due to short
Many objectors concerned that the respected David Loggan engraving would now be inaccurate.
Chapel window would also become inaccurate.
Agreed that the library needed updating. However
the fabric of the building needed to be protected.
Friends of the Library object to proposal.
Old library was precious and needed to be retained.
Structure was over 500 years old, timber framed and
New roof would put strain on the old building and
the additional weight of snow had not been considered.
Professor Kelly addressed the Committee in support of the application.
The Committee:
Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning
permission in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the reasons set
out in the officer report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the