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116 16/0176/OUT - Cambridge Biomedical Campus (CBC) Phase 2 PDF 578 KB
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The Committee received an application for
outline planning permission.
Development of up to 75,000 sqm floorspace excluding plant
areas) of Research and Development (B1b) and Clinical (C2 and/or D1), sui generis
and higher education uses, including related support activities within use
class B1; ancillary uses in addition (A1, A3, A4, A5, D1 and/or D2); up to two
multi storey car parks; open space and landscaping and all other associated
supporting infrastructure.
The Planning Officer updated his report with the following details:
Condition 3 time period to be changed from three
years to five years.
Condition 5 – time period for submission of
reserved matters application to be reinserted as per agenda report pack
circulated. Time period to be changed from six years to nine years.
Conditions to be renumbered accordingly from
condition 5 onwards to reflect reinsertion of condition 5.
Andrew Blevins (One of the Applicants) addressed the Committee in
support of the application.
The Committee:
Unanimously resolved to grant the
application for planning permission in accordance with the officer
recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, subject to the
completion of a s106 agreement by 26 October 2016 and any further changes to
conditions being agreed under delegated powers.