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Hackney Carriage, Private Hire, Dual Driver, Proprietor & Operator – Safeguarding Children & Adults

Meeting: 21/03/2016 - Licensing Committee (Item 36)

36 Hackney Carriage, Private Hire, Dual Driver, Proprietor & Operator – Safeguarding Children & Adults pdf icon PDF 187 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Environmental Health Manager, referring to the introduction of mandatory safeguarding training for all licensed hackney carriage, private hire and dual drivers, properties and operators. This would increase safeguarding awareness and provide the taxi trade with information and skills to recognise their responsibilities and what to do if they have any concerns about the safety or welfare of an individual. Safeguarding also applies to the drivers themselves.


In response to the Committee’s questions, the Environmental Health Manager and the Licensing & Enforcement Manager confirmed the following:


     i.        The subject of domestic violence had been included in the wider safeguarding issue and would welcome further conversations with Councillors outside of this meeting.

    ii.        The application form which is sent to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) would be completed by the individual but sent from the City Council. The response would be returned to the driver, who would have to produce the completed document to the Officer who would review the DBS check and sign off before the licence could be issued.

   iii.        The ‘Prevent’ agenda had been considered and some Local Authorities who have used this as part of their Safeguarding training are in areas where there is a high population of ethnic minorities or known extremist groups.  However there would be training delivered on this; training would include the safeguarding of children but details had not yet been finalised.

  iv.        Drivers Licences were valid for one or three years and then needed to be renewed.

   v.        New drivers would have to undertake the knowledge test, DBS check and the Safegaurding training as part of the licence application.

  vi.        DBS checks were relevant to the trade which the individual worked in and generally are not portable. It was possible for an individual to have more than one DBS check.

 vii.        To have a ladies only taxi firm would be viewed as positive discrimination. Individuals have a choice whether to use a taxi driven by a male or female.

viii.        Policy did state that drivers must inform City Council Officers of any arrests / motoring offences that occur during the three year period.

  ix.        An interactive knowledge test would be included as part of the training to demonstrate that the information had been understood.


Councillor Bick proposed the following amendment to the recommendation (additional text underlined) to recommendations 2.2 and 2.3 of the Officer’s reports.


2.2    Members agree to a change in policy to include the requirement that all new hackney carriage, private hire and dual driver, proprietor and operator applicants attend mandatory and successfully complete safeguarding training before submitting an application.

2.3    Members agree that a programme be developed to ensure that all existing licensed drivers, proprietors and operators undertake the training (free of charge) and successfully complete within 12 months so that all licence holders will be trained by 1 November 2017.


Members resolved (nem com) to accept the additional wording to the recommendations.


The Committee:


Resolved unanimously to:


i.                Agree to the introduction of mandatory safeguarding training for all new and existing hackney carriage, private hire and dual drivers, proprietors and operators with effect from 1 November 2016.

ii.                Members agree to a change in policy to include the requirement that all new hackney carriage, private hire and dual driver, proprietor and operator applicants attend mandatory and successfully complete safeguarding training before submitting an application.

iii.                Members agree that a programme be developed to ensure that all existing licensed drivers, proprietors and operators undertake the training (free of charge) and successfully complete within 12 months so that all licence holders will be trained by 1 November 2017.

iv.                Members agree that mandatory safeguarding update training is undertaken three yearly by all licence holders to ensure understanding of processes and to keep updated on any changes.

v.                Members agree to amend the taxi policy at parts 2, 3 and 4 of the policy in accordance with 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 above.